This spot is for the LFD of Fourth Year Block B - RLE student nurses.
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Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Batch 2008 LFD
Posted by nHeLia at 5:39 PM
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Von Paulus Villarico
Learning Feedback Diary
Quirino Provincial Hospital
To be able to increase our knowledge with the procedures and routines done within the hospital, as well as incorporate new concepts learned from the classroom to the actual duty area.
1. To identify learning opportunities and to be able to increase knowledge as well as skills on routine hospital procedures especially in the pediatric setting.
2. To be able to appreciate the things that are done within the pediatric ward and be able to apply as a future nurse
A. Self: For the past two years as a student, I have been exposed to the different settings in the hospital except for the pediatric ward. Even though it is my first time as a student to handle pediatric patient, I was able to adjust quickly with the routines in the ward. Of course with the guidance of our C.I. and staff nurses who are always willing to answer any questions that is related with our RLE.
B. Group mates: When dealing with my groupmates, although some have been exposed to the pediatric ward, they seem to be a little wobbly with the routines done in the ward. Although some of them are good and have the composure during duty, still there are lot of things for us to learn from our RLE as a student and a future nurse.
C. Clinical Instructor: Our CI sometimes finds herself a little irritated and troubled with some of our group mates, but being this way does not mean that she hates the group, she as a good instructress and wants us to learn as much as we can before we can graduate. As a good C.I. she just cares for us students, so that we can be molded in a way that we should be in order for us to become a good and effective nurse someday.
For the past few days of our duty in the pediatric ward, I have learned things that are needed for me to be a good nurse someday. Although things are taught in school, there is really a great difference when it comes to actual experience. During the past 3 days of duty, I was able to enhance my skills and knowledge on how to deal with the patient and especially with their significant others. Unlike other wards, usually we deal with the patient directly, but since this is a pediatric ward, we usually talk to the significant others to gather vital information and cooperation in order for us to render a good nursing care during our shift. Although this part is the biggest adjustment for me, with the help of my C.I. and other groupmates, I was able to adjust to these things and become a more effective nurse in the pediatric ward. Along with this experience, as a fourth year student, we are obliged to work as a team and be one with the group. Adjusting to this part is another story. For during the past years we usually work with our patient alone. All in all I think with a little more time and experience I can overcome this problems and be the best nurse that I could be.
Joel G. Acpal
Learning feedbback diary
Quirino Provincial hospital
To be able to learn more about the different kinds of nursing procedures and nursing techniques.
For the past years of duty, this is my first time to handle pediatric patient. in pediatric patient i was able to scan my notes so that i can apply the different kinds of nursing procedures in pediatric patients.
For my groupmates they are doing there best in order to do there job well done everyone has there on function, they are doing everything in order to become a good future nurse.
To our c.i who is always there to guide us in everything that we are going to do because she wants us to become a good, talented and effective future nurse someday somehow.
For the past few days of our duty, eventhough i committed some mistakes i've learned a lot and it is the way of learning by the way.
comparing to other wards it is different in the pediatric patients because in other ward you are dealing to the patient unlike in pedia we are dealing with the significant others to have thier cooperation in order to render a good nursing care as a fourth year nursing students.
Ferdinand tumaneng
BSN 4b
Learning feedback diary
Quirino Provincial Hospital
to be able to gain knowledge to the hospital settings of QPH especially in the pedia ward.
to be able to enhance our skills and knowledge regarding nursing care.
i had observed that we become more responsible student nurse because we can do many things like intravenous injection without the supervision of our clinical instructor although we need the permission to do it.
i want to improve more my skills and knowledge regarding nursing practice in giving care to our patient.
they are all cooperative, helpful and approachable groupmates thats why we finished our activities early.
clinical instructor
she always assisted us in doing activity in the ward, she is respnsible and approachable.
we are really aware now to the policies of demerits and giving care to our patients and finally i experienced to be a supervisor.
Henry M. Soriano
Learning Feedback Diary
Quirino Provincial Hospital
To be able to familiarized with the different routines and standard proocedure inside the hospital.
To broaden our knowledge and uplift our capabilities in giving quality health care services inside the hospital.
I observed that each and everyone of us fell tense whenever our duty with maam nhelz get started maybe because our clinical instructor mam nhelz keeps on asking question in the nurse station and even infront of the patient which our other classmates fear in most. But for me it serves as a challenge in order to become commpetent and successful nurse someday.
MYSELF: I'm very lucky in my previous duty under Ma'am Nhelz because she shared a lot of knowledge and great concerned to each and everyjone of us.
C.I.: Ma'am Nhelz is a good teacher and a true leader because she's always think for the benefits and improvement of her students.
TO MY GROUPMATES: They are all cooperative and consider to be a good leader.
I've learned a lot of things in this particular duty,like on how to communicate effectively with our patients and to thier SO; how hto render quality health care to the patient and the proper way in giving medications.
December 21, 2007
-to be able to adopt these duties as student nurse for future use.
-to be able to acquire more knowledge and skils about the different cases I encounter.
-to be able to practice our leadership so that we can be a good nurse someday.
Observations and learnings:
-On our first day in pedia ward, I observed that they have the same routine to other wards of the hospital, so its not hard for me to adopt and adjust. on this day we practice our functional duty to boost our confidence and to help us practice our leadership.Its not hard to do it if your members/cluster are responsible and efficient in their work. we still practice it until the third day of ur duty, we do our daily routines in giving nursing care to our patients. I also observed hat the pedia ward is not toxic just like the othr wards.
On this week, I learned to deal with the different moods of the children we handled, some of them are scare when they saw a person wearing white uniform so we need to become patient so that we can get there trust back and some also of them are cooperative and easy to mingle with.
To sum it up I learned to work with a group, to become a leader and become a member and I accepted that I need to obey my superior when they gives order, I also learned to work with it.
a. to myself
on our first day, I was so excited and nervous at the same time because it was my first time to render my care and servioce at the pedia awrd here in QPH. it is not hard for me to adjust and adopt on there environment because we also had a duty at female and male ward before and they have the same settings and routines. i become more confident and efficient in my work.
on this duty i learned to treasure and accept the fact that i am still a student who needs a supervision that will help me and taught me to become a better person eventhough i am now a 4th year student i know that i still need it so that a can practice and enhance my skills and knowledge more.
b. to my groupmates
i can say that they are responsible in thier task and duties , they are also cooperative and they participated in hospital works that are assignd to them. but sometimes i can still see some lazy people in the wrad and they just depending to our other groupmates and some of them are sharing me thier knowledge and it gives a lesson to study and work well.
c. to my Clinical instructor
when you saw her dont be shy and scared to approach her because shes a kind of person who will make you laugh and will taught you to value life of your patient and loves our patient as our own and be a good samaritan in your own ways.
Albert P. Viloria
bsn IV-B
december 22, 2007
General Objective:
To exposed in the different setting of hospital specially in pedia ward.
Specific Objective:
To gain more knowledge and more experience on how to care the pedia patient.On how to gave or rendered our care to them.
During our duty at QPH i had more observation bacause it is my first time to exposed in pedia ward with mam nhelia. as i've said i observed how to deal or make NPI to the patient, hoe to make correct analization of SOPIE. During our first im a procedure nurse which responsible for all procedure that we made to our patient. also i experience to become a Head Nurse, wow head nurse is so many requirement but it id good for as a student bacause when you are a head nurse you act as staff nurse and gain more knoeledge.
a. to my srlf:
as a student or 4th year student. i want to gain more experience and more idea on how to care the patient. because i found out that even im graduating my knowledge are not enough to render care to the patirnt.
b. to my groupmates:
they are active specially in term of caring to our patient. most off all thay are verry helpfull in term of sharing ideas.
c. to my C. I.
This is a lucky duty because this is my first time to become under the supervision of mam nhelia. since this id my first time i appreciate on how or the way of teaching of mam nhelia. she's kind to student and she want to give more knowledge to student like me. also i appreciate that she is not a toxic c.i. all she want is all student gain more knowledge during her supervision.
Based on my observation i've learned the proper making of SOPIE, also how to handle a peria patient. during our duty with mam nhelia and with her supervision honestly i gain more eperinced on doing NPI to our patient.
This is our duty at QPH with mam Nhelia Perez, thanks a lot mam. merry x-mas and hapi new year.
Jerry M. Gragasin
Learning Feedback Diary
Quirino Provincial Hospital
To be able to gain more knowledge and to develop more skills in the hospital.
to learn more the different task or duties of nurse..
this is my first time to handle a pedia client, and i need to adjust cause unlike the other ward that you are directly handled the patient but in pedia you need first to talk or deal with the significant this time we develop our skills and we know how to deal with the patient and to significant others..and here it is important to learn the different task or duties of a nurse for the future..
my self: as a part of the group ived done all my part but it is hard to avoid to make a mistake..specially when i assigned as a head nurse and as supervisor..but it is ok cuz i learned in my mistake..
Groupmates: they are also done their part and just like they have also commit some mistake..
Clinical Instructor: our CI is good very responsible, she always their to assist and guide us in every procedure or activity that we make..and thanks maam being good to us..Merry X-mass and a HAPPY new year..abcdefghi
Learning Feedback Diary
Quirino Provincial Hospital
To be able to gain and increase our knowledge about the different kinds of nursing procedures especially in the pedia ward.
This is not our first time to have a duty here at Quirino provincial hospital (pedia ward) but we forgot some of those routines, but i did the best thing i could to be able to do my job as a student nurse and to be a succesful future nurse. My groupmates also trying there best to become a good and effective nurse someday.
Respective clinical instructor:
Our C.I is very supportive she's always there to guide us in everything we do, shared her knowledge to each and everyone of us.
I learned that knowledge and skills must always there especially in pedia ward because we are not doing the nurse patient interaction instead in s.o. We must be very careful especially in giving meds.
Christian castueras
Quirino Provincial Hospital
To gain more knowledge especially at pedia ward, the diffent kinds of procedures,routines and techniques.
Everytime we are going to have a duty at pedia ward everyone is busy in doing there job in order to do there work well done and to become a good and effective future nurse.
she's always there to guide us in everything we do. she shared her knowledge to us about the different kinds of nursing procedures and routines because she wants us to become a good and effective future nurse and a product of NC also.
I had learned that we must do our job and must aware to the policies of demerits so that we can do our job nice and well done.
Learning Feedback Diary
Quirino Provincial Hospital
To be able to increase our knowledge with the different kinds of nursing procedures.
Since this is my first time to have a duty here at pedia ward i tried my best to adjust with the different kinds of routines. My groupmates are doing there best in order to there job as a student nurse and most especially to prevent the different kinds or forms of demerits thats why they are doing there job well but also to become a good and effective nurse.
She's always thier to guide us, teached us the proper way of caring,routines and procedures in the hospital especially at pedia ward.
I learned that we must be quick but carefully and surely in doing the diffent kinds of procedures especially in giving meds.
To be able to kniw alot more in different theories that being applied in the hospital.
To develop and enhance our skill in rendering care to the patient.
I'll become careful in rendering care i must think three times before i will do some things to have safety and good care to the patient.
my groupmates are virtous and responsible to do their duties they can tackle their responsibilities no matter what happen.
Clinical instructor:
thank you for all encouragement and advise that you given for us we all know that your intention is to correct us for our own good.
In this rotation, i learn a lot to have presence of mind,be accurate whatever will i do in giving meds,in charting and monitoring I.V fluids.
General objecives:
>To be able to provide services to the patient.
>To be able to enhance our capabilities in rendering care.
Specific objectives:
>To learn and to help people especially thse having diseases here in QPH.
>To be able to know several tecniques in rendering care
I did my best to handle my patient carefully.I handled them with care and gentleness, I obseved that I gain much self confidence my groupmates
They are cooperative enough,were bhelping and supporting one another. my C.I.
she was always there,she guide us and she taught us something about the case we've encountered and we owe her a lot for sharing us her knowledge,thank you ma'am.
During our duty at QPH,i have learned a lot,I learned to be patience,careful,and to be responsible, always be presence mind.We make some mistakes but we learned something from that mistakes its strengthen us to do harder.
GENERAL:To know and study the different cases in the hospital in order for us to learn and enhance more knowledge.
SPECIFIC:To develop our skills and to know how to manage our patient by rendering our quality care.
I've observed the one is to three patient I felt nervous because i thought i cant manage the thre patients especially their medication but thanks God i can easily manage them.
To myself:
I'll become more independent and confident in implementing nursing care to my patients.
To my groupmates:
my groupmates were very supportive.
To my clinical instructor:
I would like to reiterate my thanks to ma'am nelia for guiding us in the clinical area especiaaly for helping us in making "burador" to serve as and guide in preparing medication easily.Ma'am,i have learned a lot from you.
i have learned the work of medication nurse,procedure nurse,head nurse,and supervisor i know how to divide my time in preparing meds and verifying stocks ,administer meds and counter signof adminietered meds,getting v/s,regulate IVFproperly and document the level of IV,make the soapier charting,carry out doctor's order,prescribe meds of the patient, check the chart before the C.I will check and supervise the work of the cluster.
To develop the essentialskills,knowledge and attitude.
To be able to know on how to manage patiet with different disease.
Iwas observed here in QPH their are many pedia patient but some significant others was not able to follow the rules and regulation of the hospital
to myself
I want to improve more my knowledge and i want also to become more confidentwhen I'm going on duty.
to my groupmates
to my groupmates thank you for being a good person to me,for helping me here in duty.I hope your good attitude that you have will not change
to my C.I.
Ma'am thank you for being understanding and for being a good C.I to all of us,continue your good job and good attitude.
Ihave learned more hre especially when i'm handling a patient I learned about them, and also the medication that aaaaaai've given to them I learned carefully before I gave the meds
Manilyne Maceda
Learning Feedback Diary
Quirino Provincial Hospital
To be able to increase our knowledge, skills on the different kinds of hospital procedures and to apply or incorporate all that we had learned from the school.
A:Self: I am enjoying the last week of our duty because this could be our last duty at pedia ward here in QPH in a way that i am also learning.
B:Groupmates: Every one is doing their job as a student nurse b-coz this will be the last duty here at QPH, if God's permit.
C:Clinical Instructor: She's the kind of person that when you approach her she will give or shsred the best knowledge she has.
For the past few days of our duty in the pedia ward i have learned a lot. I learned how to deal with my patient, i learned also that we must treat our patient as our family, if you love your patient you could give the best care you wanted.
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