PLEASE POST YOUR LFD'S HERE. sORRY. mY InterNet has been offline for tow days. I dont know why... Dont forget your names.
How do I change?
If I feel depressed I will sing.
If I feel sad I will laugh.
If I feel ill I will double my labour.
If I feel fear I will plunge ahead.
If I feel inferior I will wear new garments.
If I feel uncertain I will raise my voice.
If I feel poverty I will think of wealth to come.
If I feel incompetent I will think of past success.
If I feel insignificant I will remember my goals.
Today I will be the master of my emotions.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Posted by nHeLia at 9:46 PM
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Cariaga,Leonardo C
3rd rotation
Male Ward
To gain more additional knowledge and improve our skills to handling a patient.
To rendering appropriate nursing care into the patient
For my first week to the male ward under mam Nhelia there is a changes my strategy to handling a patients between my previous rotation. More activity that I did. Also I got some demerit and I commit an error in charting.
b) Group mate:
They are behave and responsible student nurse while in the duty. They enhance caring and loving to the patient. They also commit an error in charting.
c) Clinical instructor:
She is responsible as a CI for us. She guided and approach us while in the duty. She strictly in charting.
Lot of learnings that I learned. I learned how to manage my time. I learned some abbreviation. I learned my error so by the next time be very careful for not got demerit.
Cariaga,Leonardo C
3rd rotation 2nd week
Male Ward
To gathered more information, knowledge, some procedure in the hospital and improve our skills to handling a patient.
To enhance our appropriate nursing care into the patient
To apply our knowledge in the hospital that we gathered in the school.
For my 2nd week to the male ward under mam Nhelia I have an improvement between my 1st week. I improved in charting. I have an improvement my requirement. I be competed my paraphernalia.
b) Group mate:
They are behave and responsible student nurse while in the duty. They enhance caring and loving to the patient. They also commit an error in charting. There is improvement some of us.
c) Clinical instructor:
She is responsible as a CI for us. She guided and approach us while in the duty. She strictly in charting. She also strictly in giving medication.
Lot of learnings that I learned. I learned to improve my self to rendering care, to make SOAPIE, also in charting I improved. Thank you for your guiding of us...
I. OBJECTIVES: To be more familiarized with the routine and standards in male ward.
To adjust myself and gain some skills in rendering nursing care with male patient.
I was toxic and so with my groupmates. I was so tired with my first patient during the almost 3 hours of wound dressing.
Regarding our clinical instructors, it was fun having them. Sir On-On taught us how to do pathophysiology. Man Chit was toxic because of us.
Because of my experience, i learned to be more patient and control myself in long procedures like that. I became more understanding.
Maricel Maranon
Gen: to be able to experience handling patient’s with different kind of diseases, and to enhance our knowledge and skills in rendering care to patients.
Specific: to give care to the patient. And to familiarized the different routine in the male ward.
Self: I was nervous, since this is our first time to handle patient in male ward. I also commit some mistake in our first day of duty, but I’ll make sure that I will not commit the same mistakes again.
Group: I can say that they are all kind and fun to be with. They share their knowledge in the group. They show willingness to learn new things.
C.I: She is approachable and very challenging to be our C.I. She always their to guide and correct us when giving medications. She let us work individually for us to develop our self confident.
LEARNINGS: I learn and develop more my skills in the handling patients. I also learn to be more responsible to bring all the complete paraphernalia’s to avoid demerits and for our own sake.
Maricel Maranon
2nd week
Gen: to further hasten our knowledge and skills that we have acquired in the past duties and lectures.
Specific: to render good quality of services for the patients that we care.
Self: I think i had already improved my skills in this duty. I did not have mistakes/demerits for the whole week. I had already familiarized myself in the routine that is done in the male ward.
Group: I can see some improvement in our charting. They are very approachable, cooperative, and alert in what they are doing.
C.I: They are all approachable and kind. They always sharing their knowledge to us, and i hope that may this knowledge they share will lead us to our brighter future. I observed to all of them that they don’t want to waste time for nothing. They are always there in preparing and giving our medications.
LEARNINGS: I learn to be more alert in whatever you are doing, because we are dealing with life. I also gain some knowledge how to make pathophysiology
Irene A. Maddela
Group 3
Male Ward
GENERAL: To familiarize more about the procedures in the male ward and to enhance my skills in rendering care to the patient.
SPECIFIC: to gain more knowledge in caring a patient.
SELF: I am more confident in doing any procedure in the male ward. i am also felt little nervous, but i need to do my duties and responsibilities so that i can helped the patient in curing their illnesses.I am not rendering service not for my own sake but for the others and giving it whole heartedly.
GROUPMATES: We learn from each other, by sharing their own knowledge and ideas and helping each other. They are also cooperative and also funny.
CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR: Even though our patient is toxic,she never made us toxic. She always guide us in doing any procedures to our patient.
I learned to be a good health provider. And i learned how to manage my time and to worked harder.
Irene A. Maddela
Group 3
GENERAL:To familiarized more about the procedures in the male ward and to enhance my skills in rendering care in the patient.
SPECIFIC:To apply my skills to the patient and to know more about the different communicable diseases found in the ward.
SELF:I am more confident in doing any procedures.I also felt little nervous, but I need to do my duties and responsibilities so that I can helped the patient.And I am rendering service not for my own sake but for others and giving it whole-heartedly.
GROUPMATES:We learn from each other by sharing our knowledge and ideas and helping each other.They are also cooperative and very funny.
CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR:Even though our patient are toxic,she never made us toxic.She always guide us in doing any procedures.
I learned to be a good health provider and to worked harder.And also to manage my time.
Rex Kester Bobila
I. Objectives
To be able to increase my knowledge with the procedures and routines done within the Male Ward.
II. Observation
adjustment to the Clinical Instructors, procedures, protocols, are difficult at first. to be honest there are times when i considered myself to be useless, for there are still a lot of this i don't know. its a huge adjustment and challenge at the same time to be able to learn everything in just a short span of time. i should read more books, and inquire more.
III. Learnings
to have all the responsibility of one patient under my care is a huge task. comparing this rotation from the previous, this stand unique, for the chart and cardex together with the medicine is always with me. and so as not to have any mistakes i should check, double check, and even triple check, things before charting, preparing and administering drugs.
btw, i also learned how to make a "burador", and i should buy syringes and needles so as not to get any demerits.
Rio May R. Obra
General:To learn more about the strategies in rendering care to patients and to know the new policies of the hospital.
Specific:To develop my skills on how to do the right way in rendering care to patients by using the nursing processes.
Self:I felt more comfortable this week because this is now our 2nd week to have aduty at male ward.I observed lot of procedures this week.Ilearned new things.
Groupmates:They are all coopeartive and know how to accept others idea.Tey also enjoyed and learn a lot this week.
Clinical instructors:Ma'am Nhelia was very nice to all of us as well as Sir Dionnie and Ma'am Chit.They are always there for us.They correct us when we did something wrong.Thank you for all the knowledge that you had imparted.We learn a lot from you...
Learnings:I learned new things this week.I observed on how to refer and carry out new doctors order.It sems so hard to do a task of a nurse but when I encountered these things I felt glad because It was very interesting and enjoyable eventhough it was tiring.
General: To be more familiar with the different procedures, and practices done by a professional nurse in a hospital and observe the different ways of rendering care to patient to be used in the future.
Specific: To render care, and to enhance my skill in doing the procedures done in the hospital.
Self: It was the week that I had a toxic patient. I was nervous of course of what will happen. though it was a toxic one, it was an enjoyable work for me. I also realized that I'm a little bit interested with the what nursing does. I'm starting to like nursing course.
Group mates: I am happy to be with them. They're funny to be with because of their corny but still funny jokes. And I like their being caring person.
CI. : Ma'am Nhelia was so kind to me, she never let me feel that I' am toxic.
LEARNING: I learned to patient, to do hot and cold compress, and to have a good, true heart with what you are doing. It makes you easy to do everything.
1st LFD:BSN 3A (Group III)
rio may r. obra
General:To be able to know the things to be consider in the hospital and to observe the quality of service they render.
Specific:To render service to the sick by means of applying the nursing care processes.
Self:At first I felt nervous because this was my first time to hane a duty at male ward.I felt so glad during my duty because my patient was cooperative.I enjoyed and learned new things during my duty especially in rendering care to my patient.
Groupmates:I observed that they also learn a lot and enjoyed also in rendering care to their patients.They did their best as a student nurse.
Glinical Instructor:Ma'am Nhelia was very nice to all of us.She always there to guide us in evry step we make especially in administering medications to our patients.She knows how to accept her student's idea.She also shared/impart some of her knowledge to her students especially the things that we dont know.THANK YOU MA'AM....Hope you'll stay the same.....
Learnings:I learned new things this day.I have known that nursing was not an easy profession.You need to be patient,alert and be responsible because anything that happens to your patient was reliable to the one who rendered care.So we nust love our work so that we could render the best quality of service to our fellowmen.(It's like being a hero that sacrificing his own life to save the life of others without aiming any in return)........
Pearl Concepcion M.Luis
Group III (third rotation)
1st week
Learning Feedback Diary
A.General Objectives:
-To be able to provide high quality patient care.
-To gain knowledge in regards to different cases being encountered in the area.
B.Specific Objectives:
-To be able to apply what I have learned in nursing leadership and management in clinical setting.
-To be able to plan intervention and health teaching of the disease process.
-I felt mixed emotion.I'm very happy because it's my first time to have duty in male ward, at the same time nervous and afraid.First day at the area is orientation,a whole day orientation.for our second day we already handled a patient,wherein I observed to myself that I'm still lack in knowledge.That's why I'm still expecting for disappointments and discouragement with the people around me.For the first day duty,Im not yet aware for demerits,that's why first duty proper,I already earned a demerit.
-My groupmates have different kinds of differences.But they have the capacity and capabilty to do such a thing that will unite us in givingquality care to our patient's that will leave a good mark to those who touch their lives.
C.Clinical Instructress
-At first I feel nervous to understand your supervision ma'am.I know your strict ma'am but student like me will not have courage to study more if you do not have that kind of principle,Also that is your way of improving us.Thanks also for initiating the group in every also have that sense of humor that made the group alive all the time.
-A a student nurse I have a big responsibility.I must see to it that all the necessary needs of my patient specially the care that they were seeking for will be properly and gain trust and cooperation,and also as student nurse I should be knowledgeable enogh,because I can't performed different procedure excellentlly if I have no knowledge on it.
Pearl Concepcion Matias Luis
Group III (third rotation)
2nd week
Learning Feedback Diary
A.General Objectives:
-To enrich my knowledge to become effective nurse in the future,as well as credible person in the nursing field.
-To imposed good attitude toward my clinical instructor,groupmates,most especially to my patient,to act well manner.
-To deliver my skills in good quality care necessary to my patient.
B.Specific Objectives:
-Observed ideal technique,must be applied to a procedure on my patient.
-Established good relationship to my c.i,groupmates and patient.
-This week is very toxic for me.But I can say that I already improved,based on my error for the previous.Hmp....maybe beause ma'am Nhlez is not our c.i.hekhek.
-I'm very thankful that they are my groupmates,we share ideas with each other.One thing I observed,they are so very happy if they met their goals to their pt.
C.Clinical Instructor:
-For our 2nd week three c.i handled us,and I observed the uniqueness each of them.Have different strategies.Its also my first time to be with sir On-on in duty,he give us some hint on how to make pathophysiology,and also ma'am Chita it is also my first time to be with her in duty.I may say that they are all intelligent C.I.
-I develop my self in regards to dealing with patient also to discharge a patient.And manage my time.
Benily C. Pacleb
BSN-3 Group III
General: To expand our knowledge and skills in make ward and everything about male ward.
SPECIFIC: To render my best nursing care to our patients.
SELF: I can see that i am already used with the routine in the male ward.
GROUPMATES: I'ved observed that all of us are well adjusted and can perform well without any hesitant.
C.I. : In regards with our C.I. i observed that she is havibg great time with us because we are all funny and happy person even we are toxic.
I am more used and slight familiar in wound dressing.I've learned to be more helpful in assisting my groupmates who are busy with their patients in which they can not manage to do their other activities.And thanks to Mam Nhelia for teaching us alot and by training us to act and treat each other are real profesionals. Thanks alot Mam.
Sheryl Juan
BSN Group 3
Male Ward
To improve my skills in doing the different procedures done in the hospital.
To render service and to increase my knowledge regarding medical and surgical illnesses.
a.SELF-For our third week,I did'nt handle a toxic patient.I can easily communicate with them and also with the staffs and with my groupmates this week.Before,during duties I was so nervous onwhat kind of patient Im going to handle,but now I am so excited to have my new patient and happy to do the procedure in caring them.
b.GROUPMATES-We practice cooperaton,especially with the different activities we are doing like the case presentation.Thy are a real, funny and cooperative groupmates.I raelly really like to be with them.
c.CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR-Ma'am nhelia is a rael funny,kind instructor.She does'nt want us to feel toxic instaed she want us to enjoy our duty,though some of us no have toxic patient's,she always stays calm and still have a smiley face.She does also make a stopries during our duty.she make sure we have learnings every duty and advised to study well.
I learned to handle an intelligent geriatric patientwho had a fracture on his clavicle.I learned to appreaciate every little thing.I can do for the benefit of the patient. I also learned to be more familiar with the different drugs,how to prepare them and to giv them.This week is our last duty,and I am glad that once again,I learned more knowledge and gain more experiences that I can be use in the future
Irene A. Naddela
BSN Group 3
Male Ward
To imrove my skills and expand my knowledge in rendering care to my patient.
TO be more familiarized of the different procedures and the different communicable diseases found in the male ward.
a.SELF- I am more confident in doing any procedures and also apply my learnings in caring the patient.
b.GROUPMATES-They are all cooperative and alert in doing their responsibilities asa student nurse.They are also funny.
c.CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR- MA'am Nhelia is kind.She always guide us specially in administering medicines.She always advised us to study hard and make our responsibilities good.Thank you ma'am for your kindness,for guiding us,and for sharing your knowledge.
I learned to communicate well withour patient.I learned more about the different procedures and diseases.Learned more in administering drugs in its proper technique.
Judilyn R. Pagaduan
Learning Feedback Diary
>To improve my skills in rendering Health Care Services
>To be able to understand and apply what are knowledge and learnings acquired during our exposure to the hospital
>To render the appropriate care and treatment to our Patients
a. Self- As the duty goes on, I just have observed that I'm very eager to learn and also willing to do my different responsibilities during our duty in the hospital
b. Group mates- I've seen an improvement to them. They are doing their responsibilities right and in order.
c. CI - she is capable of handling different students fairly and she always starts the day with her beautiful smile.
> i've learned to be more responsible and improve more my skills or hidden potentials. Ma'am Nhelia teaches me to do my tasks well organized and in proper and I appreciates those learning from her. for every correction of ma'am Nhelia, I just take those as a challenge for me to learn.
Milmar Nino Galpao
Learning Feedback Diary
>To continue our Related Learnings Experience
>To continue our care to our Patient
>To learn more about the right Nursing Interventions for our Patients
a. Self- I enjoyed the last 2 days of our duty...I did my best in rendering care to my patient.
b. Group mates- They are all responsible in giving care to their patient. Im happy to have them as my Group mates cause we have cooperations with each other.
c. CI- She's so nice and responsible CI. She is very approachable. She is always there to help and teach us...Thanks ma'am in sharing to us your knowledge.
I've learned many things to ma'am Nhelia like on how to admit a patient and to carry out Doctor's order.
Maricel Maranon
BSN 3a
General: to be able to have more knowledge and skills about how to deal with the patient.
Specific: to render good services to the patient we handle.
Self: I really enjoy our duty with ma’am Perez; I learn a lot of things that I can use in the future. I’ am toxic the last day of duty, lots of procedures I’ve to my patient, but it ok coz I learn a lot also.
Group: I’m so glad that I belong in this group because they are so kind, caring and cooperative. I observe that they are willing to learn new things.
C.I: she is really a funny kind of person. Every time we are toxic she will make her best to make us laugh. She has a sense of humour. She wants us to perform every intervention that should be done to the patient, not just by writing to our soapie. Every mistake we commit, every correction, and every new learning’s we gain may these serves as a challenge to us to pass the subject.
Leanings: I develop more my skills in NPI, I also learn how to carry out order of the doctors. I also experience to refer chart to a doctor.
Dennis Manuel
BSN 3a
Group 3
General : to acquire more knowledge, skills and positive attitude in rendering health care services
- to be able to know the different kinds of n nursing care and principles.
Specific: to render health care services to the people who need it most
- To apply in the promotion of client health care.
Self: I enjoyed having a duty at male ward; yes I enjoyed it very much I will treasure the days of our stay at male ward with ma’am Perez and the staff who are friendly and very comfortable to work with.
Group: I’m so blessed because they are my group mates. I learn something from them. They have the desirable traits of a professional and ethical nurse the determination, patience, and willingness to learn. They enjoy the duty every minute of its as I can see the gleams in everyone’s eyes.
C.I: she’s so “mabait”, a C.I with a big heart. Contrary to the rumors, she is not the type of C.I who embarrasses student by shouting in front of many people. She is in fact a very approachable person. And I’m looking forward that your become my C.I again ma’am and I’m surely I will miss those laughter, stories and your jokes that catches our attention and make as burst into laughter.
Learning’s: our duty in male ward at Quirino Prov. Hospital with our C.I ma’am Nelia Perez is such a success. I learned a lot of skills and knowledge and somehow, I applied it in the hospital. I learned that health is very important to everyone because health is a fundamental right of a person and a future nurse, we should also respect and give value to everyone’s worth and dignity.
Pearl Concepcion M.Luis
Group III (third rotation)
Last week at the Male Ward
Learning Feedback Diary!
A.General Ojective:
-To be able to acquired more knowledge regarding routines in the male ward.
B.Specific Objective:
-To render nursing health care service with our patient.
-During my three weeks stayed at male ward,I enjoyed may stay at male ward,to care pt.,I earned lots of demerits there due to frequent error most specially in charting,but for that three weeks it help me so much to developed my self-confident and self-discipline,although I made many errors and I also learned. from it.
-I observed that they enjoyed also their stay at male ward though they also have lots of demerit in the area,most of us did not experience to become toxic but still frequent in making errors also we as one group worked as one by helping each other.
-Your very supportive and responsible ma'am,you had an organized plan of activities done in the area which is strictly ipmlemented,You tried your best to improved us and to become a competent nurse someday.You want us to be responsible and awared in what we are doing,to be always aware and alert specially in giving such medications and health care services and also to avoid errasures in writing data in our respective pt.,because as we do mistake theres always a corresponding equivalent.Thank you very much ma'am for all learnings you imparted us.!
-During my three weeks duty at male ward,I learned a lot not only computation,in administion of medicines and in all daily routine done in the area.I improved my self in making SOPIE chart not just like before.I had also learned on how to managed my time in making my requirements and my daily activities in the area.
Cariaga,Leonardo C
3rd rotation 3rd week
Male Ward
To gain more additional knowledge and improve our skills
To have duty in the male ward with ethically and with morallity.
II) Obsevation:
For me I’m not toxic my last week duty and i had improve my skills. I practice with confidence and had veracity. I respect their beleif and values of the pt. I mpracticed also the justice and fedility.
For my group mates, they had unity and cooperation each other. They shared their knowledge.
For our CI she is responsible Of us. She approach us and guided before we give medication.
III) Learning’s:
Lot of learnings that I learned. I learned how to improve my skills and changed my bud attitude. I learned become flexible, resourceful and artistic.
Group III
3rd rotation
Male ward
3rd LFD
General:To discover new things and strategies in the hospital especially in rendering care to the patients.
Specific:To learn more about new strategies in rendering care to the patients.
Self:During this week,I felt more comfortable because the pt. that was assigned to me was cooperative.He and his wife aws vey nice to me.I tried my best to finish the task that was assigned to me.I learned a lot this week.
Groupmates:They were all active and cooperative.They also did their part as a student nurse of their patients.They know also how to accept other's idea.They also learned a lot this week.
Clinical Instructor:Ma'am Nhelia was really nice to all of us.She's always there for us especially in administering our patients.She always correct us when we did something wrong.Thank You Ma'am for all the learnings/knowledge that you imparted to all of us.We really appreciated all of these.Hope you'll stay the same Ma'am...
Learnings:During this week,I learned new things again.I have learned on how to do discharge plan and on how to admit a patient.I also observed on how to do wound dressing.I also made referral to Dr.Caleon.Ilearned a lot this week and really enjoyed so much....(Learning from my mistakes makes me a BETTER person....Godbless to everyone!!!)
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