Post ur LFDs for the 3rd and Last week here...
Your talent is God's gift to you...what you do with it is your gift back to God.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
LFD LAst RotaTion
Posted by nHeLia at 5:41 AM
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Nursing encompasses an art, a humanistic orientation, a feeling for the value of the individual, and an intuitive sense of ethics, and of the appropriateness of action taken.
Post ur LFDs for the 3rd and Last week here...
Your talent is God's gift to you...what you do with it is your gift back to God.
Posted by nHeLia at 5:41 AM
General: to render service to the patient and to know more about the importance of taking good care of the patient.
Specific: To know more the importance of having care with the patient.
Self-as student nurse I do my obligation to take good care of my patient.To give her oral medicines and to take v/s.
Group mates:- same as through with me they get v/s and they give their medicines to their patient. They are responsible on the duty.
C.I.- she is approachable, she give
me some ideas to improve as she share her knowledge.
Learning- I learned more to improve myself in taking good care of the patient.
I- Objective
General: To implement our knowledge in taking good care of our patient.
Specific:To render service to the patient and to know more about OB and
Gyne service.
Self: In this activity I do my obligation as a student nurse to take good care of my patient giving their medicines and taking v/s.
Group mates: Same as through with me they are responsible on the duty, get v/s and give medicines on their patient.
C.I: Always approachable, sharing ideas to add our knowledge,thank you ma'am for being kind with us.
More knowledge that I get from my group mates and C.I. on sharing opinions and ideas.I had improve my self confidence internal with significance others the patient.
LFD ON 3rd and 4th WEEK
- to be able to know and identify the needs of the patients in male ward for us to satisfy their basic needs.
- to implement the good intervetions to that can renmove the pain and stress that is present ot my patient.
- to educate the patients about what are the do's and dont's that can help them in thier fast recovery.
- during our rotation at the male ward, i observed that i have a lot of improvement like in my skills, i'm now good enough and very confident in administering medications to my patients. Also, i can now identify the interventions to be implemented to my patient in order to help them meet thier needs and satisfactions
- my groupmates are responsible and good also in doing such kind of nursing intervention. I observed that there is cooperation at all times. All are eager to study and learn.
- Ma'am is very kind and very responsible to her task, She never get mad on us even if we are "MAKULIT" some times.She is also a joker and I like her jokes very much..HAHAHA.thank you ma'am for being so nice to us.. May the good Lord guide you and bless you always.
- some of my learnings are already identified in self observation. Additional learnings, about drugs. During our shift, the rationale behind why the patient is receiving that drug was impart to us by our Instructor. I learned how to carry out new Doctor's order and i have improvements in endorsing my patient to the nurse on duty.
General objectives: to learn more in the field of nursing.
Specific objectives: to enhance more our skills & to experience a o lot of kind of nursing intervention.
Self- I'm now cooperating to my groupmates & I think I also improving in performing different kind of nursing intervention.
Groupmates- They are all responsible to thier own tasked...
-Maam Nhelia, is very kind,responsible,approachable and intillegent C.I, she never left us if we commit's mistake, she also guide us to do the tasked that given to us. I hope maam that you will change...Thank you for being so good to us.. May God will return you back all the things that you've shared to us...Thanks and God Bless........
-I Learned a lot at the male ward like,become responsible to my task, I learned also to be humble most of the time so that I can get the cooperation of my Pt.
- to be able to learn more things on the male ward.
-to enhance my skills in administering medication and inserting IVF.
I'm now improving in giving medication and skin testing.
they are all cooperative and helpfull to each other, they are also good in admenistering drugs/medication
Maam Nhelia is very responsible and also kind to us, She guide us in doing medication, performing procedures.
I leared a lot like, performing skin testing and how to carry out Doctors order.....Thank you maam for being supportive to us...God bless you always & May he shower you more blessings to come......
3rd Rotation
A. General
To gain more experience in practicing nursing profession
B. Specific
To be able to develop and improve my ability in rendering health care to medical and surgical patients.
To improve my interpersonal skills by interacting and dealing with the patients, S.O., and other hospital personnel.
A. Self
I observed that I performed better this week. Compared before, I am faster in making a burador. I improved in making soapie, and I was able to do my work even though my patient was toxic.
B. Group mates
They are responsible with their work; they were cooperative in times of group activities like preparing for the grand case presentation. They know their boundary and limitations in terms of respecting with others.
C. C.I.
Ma’am Lutie and Ma’am Chit were our C.I for this week. Even though they were not our official C.I., They understand us when we commit mistakes, they helped us in our work, and give advice to us to study hard and to improve ourselves.
I’ve learned to become alert always, and be familiarizing with the case of the patient when referring to the doctor so that if she/he has questions you know what to answer. I’ve learned that being a nurse is very hard especially if there are many patients and they need monitoring. I’ve learned the proper skin testing.
4th Rotation
A. General
To be able to master the appropriate routine at the male ward.
B. Specific
To appreciate and bear in mind always all the experiences and learning’s that I’ve encountered for the whole rotation at male ward.
A. Self
I felt happy because I did my work well; I’m not late for the checking of the medicines that will be given to my patient, and I’m more comfortable for this week. I have more confident in giving medicines even though my C.I. is not with me, but of course our C.I. also check our work before we do it.
B. Group mates
They know what they are doing, they do their duties as a student nurse at the hospital, and they follow the instructions of our C.I. They are humble and know to accept their failure.
C. C.I.
Ma’am Nhelia is our C.I., she knows how to motivate person with different attitudes and make her students discipline. She knows how to manage our time and how to make our whole day of duty a fruitful one, even though we are toxic and tired. She handled us for two days and for those days; I’ve learned more from her, so it is better if she handle us for the whole duty so that she impart more knowledge and skills to us.
I’ve learned that instructions are very important. I’ve learned that telling the truth is very important, especially when someone heard that you lied. Cooperation is very important especially in doing group activities, because you will not finish something if someone is not present. I’ve learned that always be ready and must prepared physically, mentally and most especially spiritually so that he guide and help ourselves and our work success at all times.
3rd Week
I. Objectives
A. General Objective
To be able to continue giving care in our male patients.
B. Specific Objective
To be able to
II. Observations
A. Self
I think i did my part as a student nurse in giving care to my pt. relying on his needs.
B. Group mates
They did their part as student nurse also they perform well their duties.
C. Clinical Instructor
I cant say any negative comment about my ci because they did their responsibilities as our clinical instructors, they guided us, gives us informations.
III. Learning
I've learned about the different drugs that i administer, and because of our requirement I had learned another case agin.
4th Week
II. Observations
A. Self
I enjoyed our last duty because we are given a chance to practice our independence in giving drugs a preparatory for our future obligations.
B. Group mate
Like me they also enjoyed our last duty because, we have done an activity which is sharing our knowledge in our pt. by means of a ward class.
C. Clinical Instructor
I would like to take this opportunity to give thanks to our clinical instructor ma'am Nhelia for that wonderful week, and for guiding us in preparing our case.
III. Learning
I learned more on how can I improve my skill, and learn on how can I interact with my pt.
I- Objective
General: To implement our knowledge in taking good care of our patient.
Specific:To render service to the patient and to know more about male service.
Self: In this activity I do my obligation as a student nurse to take good care of my patient giving their medicines and taking v/s.
Group mates: Same as through with me they are responsible on the duty, get v/s and give medicines on their patient.
C.I: Always approachable, sharing ideas to add our knowledge,thank you ma'am for being kind with us.
More knowledge that I get from my group mates and C.I. on sharing opinions and ideas.I had improve my self confidence internal with significance others the patient.
>sory maam the one who type my 4th
LFD was not enter the correct word the OB and GYNE that she Typed should be "MALE" thank you for your kind and consideration
General Objectives:To render care and get more experience.
Specific Objectives:To care our client and to implement our knowledge.
Observations:Self--I do cooperated to my group mates,C.I.,and to my client.
Group mates--We shared ideas and cooperated every time.
C.I.--Very supportived to us and kind no matter what happen.
Learnings:Always be kind and good to the client.
general> to continue our clinical duty at quirino provincial hospital
specific> to gain more expirience and to be able to give the best nursing interventions to our clients
Self: I observed that in our last two weeks of our duty I improved and render proper health care to our clients. I also learned alot.
GROUPMATES: as i observed my gruoipmates are now more acurate and improved alot specialy in rendering care to our patients. They are also responsible and very hard working
C.I: As I observed Maam Nhelia is a responsible CI she teaches us alot of things and She always support us in our activities, She also make us smile when we are toxic in our patients.
> I've learned alot of things in our duty at the male ward specially handling patients in the ward. I also gain more expirience iun this activity.
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