June 30, 2008 - Today is the first day of the last week of affiliation for the first batch of Nursing affiliates... Mixed emotions are now going around among the affiliates/ Some are excited, some are sad (i think), some still dont know if they are excited or not.
The culminating program wll be held on Thursday, July 3.. at the Dorm.. after dinner. PReparation is now underway with the mental group in-charge of the activity. There will be parlor games, sharing of experiences and the search for Miss Gay Affiliation 2008 and Miss Affiliation 2008. The students and the CIs are very excited/ Hopefully, the occasion will cement the strong bond formed by Block A and Block B.
I really just hope that this affiliation will be a big learning experience for the students.
-This day is our first day on San Lazaro, I'm excited to see the location,nature and the set up. this day is our orientation and we found out that San Lazaro is about 431 years,founded on 1877 by Fray Juan Clemente a spanish franciscan missionary and in 1578 they served the sick people suffering from leprosy and other diseases, in 1898, San Lazaro was declaring it as contagious disease hospital and then on 1930 - 1931, insane patient s transfered to national psychopatic hospital now. there's 500 beds capacity.the vision of SLH is to become a center of excellence for infectious and communicable disease and has a mission to provide quality of care to all patient affiliated with infectious and communicable diseases through an efficient and effective clinical care management of this disease, according to the accepted standard of treatment promulgated by the DOH.
- This is our first day to handle a patient in San Lazaro were on pavilion 2, My suffering dengue hemorrhagic fever, I experienced to changed IVF of my patient. presence of mind is very important for you to do correctly and to avoid demerit.
- Here comes our 2nd day of duty, were on pavilion 6, and it is on the adult male. the case of my patient is leptospirosis, as I observed my patient's eyes is color yellow, has a minimal rashes on his upper and lower extremeties. long and dirty nails,slightly wet t'shirt,uncomb hair and has a mustache tat's why i plan for poor hygiene. and on this day i learned that don't get faster on charting and always watch your spellings.
- Universal precaution is really important on this day because we're assigned at the respiratory male on pavilion ten,then here comes our duty. the staff oriented us first before we go to our designated patient, of course Im nervous because the disease is not an ordinary case not unlike on QPH.
- We're assigned at out patient department. were all excited to have experience on injecting intra dermal. I'm happy because I try it two times.
- here comes my day! its my turn to discuss my reportI and Mr. Tabios took a post con after duty, well they don't have questions on our report but incase that they have questions us Mr. Tabios and I is ready to answer because we wasted our time to study our case.
- Were not toxic on this day the flow of our duty was relaxed because our assigned patient has no further complaints that's why we finished charting early and all reporters has already finished their report also. I learned more about malaria and hepa A&B.
- Our scheduled ward today is on the pavilion 3 at adolescent. My patient now is suffering DHF. Its My first time to have a DHF patient with obiously seen the petechial rash all over his upper and lower extremities unlike the patient that I handled at Isabela.
- Oh I'm so excited to go home! but of course we need to attend our last duty. wow! were so blessed at this day because we have encounter a disease where in it it's our first time to see or observed the characteristics of steven jhonson syndrome and also the herpes zoster, We go home with full of experience and knowledge that we can share on our friends,families and schoolmates.
JUNE 24-JULY 4, 2008
a. General Objectives: To acquire knowledge in caring patient with communicable disease, to practice and apply the correct method in performing the task relative to the basic procedures done to a client with communicable disease.
b. Specific Objectives:
To develop proper attitude in giving nursing care.
To perform skills in taking v/s, bed bath and others.
To be able to appreciate the importance of caring patient with communicable disease.
a. Self: having an affiliation at manila was quite exciting much more on San Lazaro Hospital, which catered only infectious and communicable diseases. On our 1st day we had an orientation, I was very nervous at the thought that different universities and colleges were also there to have their affiliation. I also thought about the staff at the hospital, are they accommodating? I found out the next day that they were very accommodating to us affiliates, that’s why I became at ease and enjoyed my 2weeks duty at SLH.
b. Group mates: I thought my new group mates were snob but I was wrong, in fact they were very friendly and I enjoyed their company very much. Some of them were very skillful and they help one another if they have time.
c. CI: I always heard some students comments saying “Ma’am Nhelia is a terror CI especially in clinical area.” But I prove them wrong because I found out that she is very jolly and friendly. She is strict I admit, but on charting only, she says that the chart of a patient is an important legal document so it should be clean. We also had pre conference and post conference before and after our duty and she is imparting knowledge to us students very well.
III. LEARNINGS: I learned a lot on this duty from day one up to last day. I learned the different infectious and communicable diseases catered at SLH, their s/s and the proper management. I also learned that patient with communicable disease should not be avoided because they need affection and caring also. I also learned on how to interact to the different people in the hospital especially to our patients. I also learned to be confident on what I am doing. On this affiliation my skills, attitudes, knowledge in nursing care were enhance and I thank God for everything.
*To take care holistically of patients with highly communicable diseases.
*To be aware of the precautions to get rid of communicable diseases.
*To gain more insights regarding the nature of certain disease.
Prior to my exposure at San Lazaro Hospital, I felt quite nervous and at the same time, excited. Nervous in the sense that SLH only caters communicable diseases meaning everyone that goes inside of the hospital is at risk of acquiring those diseases. Excited in the sense that most of the cases there are complicated and I like working or dealing with those kinds of cases and I knew that it will be again a new experience for me.
June 25,2008, the day for our General Orientation. As we enter to the said hospital, my heart bits faster because at last, the rotation that I feared for will soon begin and as I take my first step on the ground, I said to myself "I can do it" and so did I.
On the first day of our duty (June 26), as if I'm not that ideal 4th year nursing student because most of my actions during this day are not good. I really don't know why but may be it's a part of my adjustment to the area. Even my sample charting, I've found myself hard to formulate my SOAPIE.
As days passed, my performance is improving even my interaction with my patients. I've observed that Ma'am Nhelia rarely scold me just for a mistake and that's a thing to be proud of and the remaining days of my duty has ended with so much accomplishments. This is only the time that I've realized the true essence of being a nurse and I'm glad that I've survived this rotation and most especially the Affiliation 2008.
a. Groupmates
Like me, they are like beginners during the first week of our rotation but they improved on our second week. I've observed also that some of them were slow or passive in performing interventions to somehow solve their patient's problem. Despite of it, they are all cooperative, open-minded and down-to-earth in accepting their mistakes.
b. Clinical Instructor
Though it's my first time to be under Ma'am Nhelia in RLE, it's not the reason for me to perform inappropriately. She's very competitive and excellent in the field of Nursing, moreover, she is well-versed in terms of dealing complicated cases. She is willing to share the things that she knew to help us act on our best and not on our worst. She's also approachable and stayed with us most of the time. Lastly, Ma'am Nhelz is very jolly that's why we can't feel the toxicity of our duty. I really enjoy the company with her. For all of these, a great thanks ma'am.
It's undeniable that in every rotation, we, students are learning from time to time and this San Lazaro rotation has no exception to that. On this rotation, I've learned about Steven-Jhonson Syndrome, the brief history of San Lazaro Hospital, the drop factor of this medical institution and the most commonly used drugs in each ward.
JUNE 25-JULY 4 2008
-To apply our knowledge of what we have learned in our communicable disease subject.
-To render care to that patient’s with communicable disease.
-To experience caring patient's with communicable disease.
This day is our orientation day. I'm so nervous since this is our first day to step at SLH. There are also a lot of affiliating school to have their duty at SLH, and it was uttered that we only have a short time for our duty and we also have limited patient because of increased number of affiliating school. Today, we are assigned to Phil health ward and it’s not that toxic bec. We handled only 2 patients which cases are DHF. We do vital signs taking, plotting, and charting. We also handled patient's with PTB at the RF ward pav. 10. I feel so nervous again because it is very dangerous to have contact with them. We might get infected with them if didn't take precaution. But as our CI told us, "leave something for your patient’s; leave something for them to remember you". So i took the opportunity to render my best nursing care to my patient, though i am aware that still they are PTB patients. I also handled patient with elephantiasis, and that was my first time to encounter that disease. One of my partners do the wound cleaning and dressing while i assisted her in doing it. I also handled patient with dengue fever because that is the most common disease that we encounter during our stay at SLH. Indeed, I enjoyed my duty at San Lazaro Hospital bec. That would be the first and last to have my duty there.
I learned a lot from our affiliation. I enjoyed our duty, my groupmates, yes my new roupmates. We came from different blocks but we got easily along together. They are very cooperative and they are very dedicated to their assigned task. Nothing compares my experienced at San Lazaro Hospital. To our dear clinical instructor no other than Maam Nhelia B. Perez,I am so thankful for sharing her knowledge to us, for the support,and for the jolly moments we shared. You are one of the best Maam!! :)THANK YOU PO!
JUNE 25 - JULY 4, 2008
*To provide a quality independent nursing care to pts afflicted with communicable dses.
*To enhance our knowledge regarding the care of pt with communicable dses.
*To develop a positive attitude in caring CD pts.
*The best way to learn is to experience as they say that's why, we, the senior students were entitled to have our affiliation in the different hospitals in Manila such as National Center for Mental Health, Philippine Orthopedic Center and San Lazaro Hospital.
*Through this affiliation, we had given the chance to provide care to the patients especially those who are afflicted with infectiuos and communicable diseases at SLH. SLH is an institution which caters a quality and excellent care with patients afflicted with communicable diseases in the Philippines. And as an affiliate, we are there to enhance and develop our skills,knoledge and attitude in the care and management of patients with communicable diseases.
*Before hand, we are hesitant since it was our first time to affiliate in the said hospital and the fact that we are having our duty together with the other schools in the Philippines affiliating at SLH. But that feeling didn't lasts because we had adjusted ourselves as fast as we can to cope up with our new environment.
*Affiliating at SLH had given us the opportunity to learn especially in providing nursing care and management to patients with communicable diseases. I had given the chance to care patient with dengue fever, pulmonary tuberculosis, TB meningitis, malaria and koch's pneumonia.
*With regards in caring pt. with dengue fever, I learned that health teachings plays a significant role in ordr to pre-empt such cases. Some points are highlighted such as advisin the pt. to refrain from scratching his rashes to prevent further infection, arranging bed linens to provide comfort and to avoid itchiness, encouraging the pt. not to eat dark colored foods in order to detect melena or hematochesia, encouraging the use of mosquito net and cleaning the flower vases and backyard as often as a prevention from the dse.
*In caring pt. with PTB, interview plays an important role in order to know what predisposes the pt. for acquiring that dse. I also learned that chestphysiotherapy (CPT) is contraindicated because it may cause further spread of the microorganism into the other parts of the body.
*In caring pt. with malaria, it is also important to conduct a health teachings such as cleaning the breeding places of female anopheles mosquito, using of mosquito nets and insect repellants.
*Universal precaution is emphasized and a must in caring CD pts to prevent cross contamination and spread of the dse.
*Aside from learning on how to care pts with Communicable dses in the area, pre-con and post conference was also conducted in order for us to have additional knowledge and I definitely appreciate that strategy of learning because through conferences we are forced to review and read more about CD which really enhance us.
*Above all, I learned that thinking plays a vital role before taking any action. Ma'am thank you for making me realize that and I'm really sorry for I failed all your expectations. THANK YOU MA'AM!!
Ma. Theresa E. Jabson
General objective
>>To be able to provide high quality patient care
>> To be able to know and understand and the functions and responsibilities of student nurse
Specific Objective
>>To be able to apply what I have learned in nursing leadership and management in the clinical setting
>>To be able to render care to my patients empathetically properly and correctly
>>During this last week of our duty, I observed that my skill Has improved. I also observed that I need to be reticulous in rendering care to my patients. Lastly I observed that as a nurse we need to provide the total care, not only doing some procedures and giving medications to our patients but to sympathize and empathize to our patients.
A. To myself
>>I learned on how to be cooperative, independent and active through a strong teamwork
B. To my groupmates
>>My groupmates have different walk of life and have good differences, but they have the capacity and capable to do such a thing that will unite us in caring our patients that will leave a good mark to those who touch there lives.
C. To my clinical instructor
>> Thank you for sharing us your knowledge. You are very responsible and intelligent nurse and instructor as well. I know you are strict in demerits, but its fine with us because I know you are just doing it for us to improve our work.
I have learned many things like how to deal with the patient correctly and gaining trust and relationship with the S.O. I have also learned that AS a nurse YOU must be knowledgeable because you won’t be performing different procedure excellently if you don’t have enough knowledge on it.
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