Saturday, January 17, 2009

LFD 2nd WEEk






General Objectives:
To focuse of the health illnesses and the diseases of the pediatric patient.

Specific Objectives:
To observe for changes in the level of complication of illness or disease.
To maintain a desired comfortable position of the patient.
To provide psychological support of the patient.
To gain trust and cooperation of the patient and the family for the assessment of the patient.
To consider the patient by administering drug.

Self: I gain a lot of knowledge about my patient had diseases and provide patient care. And making assessment for the diagnosis and planning and also administering the drugs of the patient.

Group mates: I proud because they wanted to cooperation and being confident to allow the patient has any diseases. And very careful in administering the drug like in computing.

C.I: I would like to thanks to my C.I for being caring and teaching on how to analyze the drug computes. She help and guide their students to those have difficulty in analyzing the drug computes and how to prepare the drugs.

Learning’s: I have learned a lot of knowledge about my patient care in doing assessment, the drugs administered and on how to sign and follow-up the doctor’s ordered like in peripheral smear and signing the X-ray sheet for their findings on how to be treatment and prevent the disease. In my patient he has a blood transfusion so I know on how to manipulate the machine and preparing, make sure the IV fluid of the patient has regulated at KVO and check the temperature if they has increase.



General Objectives:
To render service at Pedia Ward of QPH

Specific Objective:
To apply our knowledge we gained from our lecture.
To improve our skills.
To give care

Self: I had been more concious and responsible in dealing with our patients. More eager to learn more.

Groupmate: They are more responsible and more skillful than the other week, they are enjoying what are they doing.

CI: she makes us confident, she make us stand with our own feet, she is strict but make sure that we learned what are the things we should be learn from her.

I had a lot of experience, I made an asseessment for me to know what my patient's need. I prepared an IV medication for my patient, I was able to discharge my patient on the last dat of our duty. Now, I can make SOAPIE that is better than last week.

Jay-ar C. Salas said...
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Jay-ar C. Salas said...

I. Objectives
A. General Objectives
- To obtain knowledge and direct information about the illness and come up with possible solutions that can be useful in planning and prevent to reach potentials as I progress and achieve available understanding on how to cope with the problem leading to the provision of the nursing intervention
B. Specific Objectives
- To become familiar in assessing some condition of the patient through physical examination and be able to diagnosis related problems through nursing care and by applying appropriate and useful interventions dependently, independently, or collaboratively and to evaluate outcomes to assess effectiveness as planned

II. Observation
A. Self- I’m very happy and little bit sad because its my first time to have a demerit in charting.
B. Group mates- They are very responsible, they share knowledge and opinions to every topics we had. They are united in working and in doing our assigned work.
C. C.I- She is very kind and industrious in explaining some intervention. She shares to us her knowledge to improve our work. She is very strict in preparing meds.

III. Learning
- I learned too much in our second week of duty, like preparing medicines well, how to open ampule properly, applying appropriate interventions, how to become flexible to patients and how to become a good Samaritan.

Jay-ar C. Salas said...

I. Objectives
A. General Objectives
- To obtain knowledge and direct information about the illness and come up with possible solutions that can be useful in planning and prevent to reach potentials as I progress and achieve available understanding on how to cope with the problem leading to the provision of the nursing intervention
B. Specific Objectives
- To become familiar in assessing some condition of the patient through physical examination and be able to diagnosis related problems through nursing care and by applying appropriate and useful interventions dependently, independently, or collaboratively and to evaluate outcomes to assess effectiveness as planned

II. Observation
A. Self- I’m very happy and little bit sad because its my first time to have a demerit in charting.
B. Group mates- They are very responsible, they share knowledge and opinions to every topics we had. They are united in working and in doing our assigned work.
C. C.I- She is very kind and industrious in explaining some intervention. She shares to us her knowledge to improve our work. She is very strict in preparing meds.

III. Learning
- I learned too much in our second week of duty, like preparing medicines well, how to open ampule properly, applying appropriate interventions, how to become flexible to patients and how to become a good Samaritan.

alex_mariano12 said...

A. General Objective: To be at ease when doing the different nursing intervention to our patient through the guidance of our C.I.
B. Specific Objective: To have a more focused approach on giving health teaching about the problems met at the pediatric ward not only to the patient but also to the significant others.

A. Self: With the second week of our I was paired with Miss Nacino. We took care of a patient with an AGE, I did the medication and she the charting.In doing the medication I have to concentrate on what our CI telling us about the right patient, right drug , right dosage and right time.
B. Group mate: Me and my partner complements each other well.
C. Clinical Instructor: Very, very understanding but very strict especially on our carelessness that results in a demerit given to us, so the next time we will be careful and be really focused.

In our second week I learned that Chlorampenicol should not be injected directly to the IV line but should be diluted with 10 ml of sterile water put above as a replacement for the IV line for awhile letting the chlorampenicol drip the rationale being that if pushed it may cause an acute pain for the pedia patient resulting to death. I thank our CI for the directions on how to do it.

juliet tacang said...

-To render our care in the pediatric ward.

-To be able to know and identify the different causes of illnesses from the pediatric patient.

-SELF:I'd realized that rendering a serviced in the pediatric ward is very challenging task because this is the moment where your patience is to be tested for on how you are humble enough to deal with the pediatric patient esp the SO.And I wer able to do it right and do the medication too.

-I am happy that all my groupmates are cooperative and wlling to help and to learn of what our CI teaches us on what to do.

CI:I am thankful of Ma'am Nhelia for supporting me and guiding on what to do on my patient esp when the grandmother of my patient got angry about the unused meds.She supports me on how to explained the SO about it.Thakns Ma'am

LEARNING:For this week I'd learned a lot like identifying the health problem of the patient and maked an intervention out of it and I'd learned also on how to discharged patient.

Joyce Ann Cayabyab said...

General Objectives:

>to impart knowledge about the different diseases we encounter at the Pediatric Ward

Specific Objectives:

>to give the patient the best care that deserve too.


>i haVe experienced how to admit a patient and quite sad because i'd made a mistake on charting and disobeyed the rules ma'am nhelia been told us.

>They are all busy doing their respective tasks.They cared each of their patient's well.And they are willing to lend their ears to ma'am Nhelia for their new learning

>She make things clear to us.She explained each of the things that we do not know.She taught us how to compute drugs properly.And observed us well.


>On this week i have experienced how to admit a patient and that was a good experienced for me.I'm very thankful i have tried admitting a patient because ma'am Perez told us that not all nsg.students have tried admitting a patient that's why i'm very happy because i have tried it once in my life.And i felt sad because i was caught using my cp and it was a lesson for me not to use my cp anymore.and i feel sorry for that.

Unknown said...


To put all effort in the deterrence and handling of patients with illness.

To render healing therapy and management in the duration of a patients confinement.
To be able to cope-up with the growing demands of a pediatric case/problem and further hone my skills

I have again added extra knowledge and technical skills in my arsenel of nursing intervention.

My groupmates in their best effort are doing there best in making the best of their skills and knowledge in nursing intervention.

I thank Madam Nhelz for making me a better person a better nurse-in-the-future with her on the spot making me do things clearly and undoubtedly teaching the ways, that i only dreamed of, i thank thee.

As i haved experienced, I really must do something to up-to-date my skills, to further hone my expertise in nursing intervention, and read more on my books about nursing management and theories.

gretchen responso said...


General Objective:
To learn more about nursing implication's management and nursing practices
To improve and apply my skills in caring patients with different disease

Specific Objectives:
To take the v/s of the patient accurately
To share my knowledge and opinions into the patient through giving health education or health teachings
To be more familiar in drugs and to improve myself in drug computation and drug administration

Self: i was very busy in assessing the patient because we need her assessment for our case abstract. I also fell nervous and conscious in charting

Groupmates:They were also busy, they are kind, cooperative and responsible

CI: She is kind approachable and understanding, and a little bit strict

In this second week of our duty at the pedia ward, I learn a lot from my CI. i learn how to administer a medicine properly, to do careful charting without any erasures

Aiza Blanco said...

General objectives:
> to be able to assess the problems of the patient with UTI and Anemia and to do an intervention.

Specific objectives:
> to be able to performed the nursing care to a patient suffered UTI and Anemia
>to be able to learned and experience using Syringe pump for Blood transfussion.

SELF= i developed my self confidence.
GROUPMATES= they are active and alert in doing their duties.
CLINICAL INSTRUCTOR= very supportive and we learned a lot from her.


i learned how to used a syringe pump in blood transfussion procedure,i feel happy because im improving.

Mr. Deleon said...


=)To ensure every pt. feels safe and trust in your abalities.
=)To make sure that the medicine of my pt. was protected against contamination of bacteria, and it is well computed, and ofcourse observe the sterelity in giving a medication, whether it is in oral, IV, or IM.


=)I do observe to myself that in evrytime I was giving a medication i was still feeling of nervous, because I want to make sure that there is no possible mistake when I'am preparing and computing a drugs especially when I'am giving it to a pediatric pt. because drugs are very toxic for them because there immune response is not like in adult.
=)As like what my other groupmates observe from themselves, they also just like me, they go over busy and making sure that there medication for their pt. is very prepared and computed before going and giving it to their pt.
=)our C.I is like what my mother is , as people always saying this "Ang mga guro ay pumapangalawang ina ng ating tahanan" In this old sayings of people revolve in this earth, they are rigth for this simple message to a student like me, because teacher are the one who protecting us and guiding us to a rigth way of teaching, for us to be a better person, althoug sometimes they embarassing us, calling of attention, we need to accept this because this is there way in preparing us to be an educated person someday.

=)My learning is, when our C.I "pinagalitan me" when I'am preparing my medication for my pt. becuse during that time, that was first week our duty I have a nginiig factor in preparing meds, our C.I told me that When I feel toxic and nervous she will more toxic and toxic me. that's why I promise to myself not to do that again for me to learn and accept it as a challenge.

emily said...

Emily Salvador

General Objectives:
To learn more about hospital work for nurses in the pediatric ward.

Specific Objectives:
To render necessary nursing care for pediatric patient with respiratory problem.

Self: I'm still reacquainting myself with hospital duty after stopping for one year and it's not easy, but I'm trying to do my best.

Group mates: They are enjoying the opportunity to learn more and they are a bit sad about our demerits.

CI: She gave us guidance and additional knowledge on how to do our soapie, drug computations and nursing intervention.

Learnings: The week was a good one for me, inspite of the mistakes and demerits. I was still adjusting with the hospital duty and it's not easy for me. I was lucky that the nursing supervisors assigned to me was very patient and our CI was very helpful and supportive.

emily said...

General Objectives:
To learn more about hospital work for nurses in the pediatric ward.

Specific Objectives:
To render necessary nursing care for pediatric patient with respiratory problem.

Self: I'm still reacquainting myself with hospital duty after stopping for one year and it's not easy, but I'm trying to do my best.

Group mates: They are enjoying the opportunity to learn more and they are a bit sad about our demerits.

CI: She gave us guidance and additional knowledge on how to do our soapie, drug computations and nursing intervention.

Learnings: The week was a good one for me, inspite of the mistakes and demerits. I was still adjusting with the hospital duty and it's not easy for me. I was lucky that the nursing supervisors assigned to me was very patient and our CI was very helpful and supportive.