Saturday, January 24, 2009

RLE BSN 2010




Rod Harney Baquiran Jr.

a)To be able to learn and gain knowledge in pediatric patient care.
b)To be able to communicate the families of the patient dealing assessment about diseases and illnesses.
c)To verify the new doctor’s order and referred.

To be able to develop my skills and gain knowledge about my pediatric patient care. The s nursing student must know on how to manage their responsibility in carry out new doctor’s order.

Self: I felt nervous because I forgot to carry out the new order given by Dr. Narbarte. But I’m glad to finish all my responsibility for my patient.

Group mates: they are all responsible to know different cases and different intervention needed for their patient.

C.I: she is observant and willing to share those things we need to know in the pedia ward. She is very supportive in guiding me when we give meds.

Learning’s: These are the following I learned.
=I enhanced my skills to administered suppository.
Always verify and carry out Dc. order.
=Always check the IV line of the patient.
=Being a student nurse I must think for the good and applicable intervention for my patient case.
=I must be flexible in all times.

juliet tacang said...

-To render our service in the PEDIATRIC WARD.

-To be able to take good care of the paient and to be able to know and analized the causes why they were confined.

SELF:For the last 3 weeks of our duty in the Pediatric Ward I've observed that mostly of the children confined was diagnosed of BRONCHOPNEUMONIA,PNEUMONIA, AGE,& NEONATAL PNEUMONIA. So it means to say that parents of this kind of children lack of knowlege on how to take good care of their children to prevent this kind of illnesses because there are children who are in thier young age just months either had already UTI.So it is also important to impart knowledge to the parents on how to prevent to avoid this kind of illness.

GROUPMATES:My groupmates are also good in taking good care of their patiient although we are already on our 3rd week of duty but we still keep on asking and also sometimes we overlooked of the DOCTORS ORDER.Butthanks to our C.I.for her never ending support and remind us always on what to do and continouosly imparting us the knowledge of what we should have to know esp. on fields of duty.

LEARNING:On our third week of duty I've learned on how to discharged patient,to analyzed their causes and I've also learned that as a SN we should also be aware of the case of our groupmates and not we only focus on our patient thats what Ma'am Nhelia taught us.Thanks for all the lesson that you imparted us.

alex_mariano12 said...

A. General Objective:
To be well rounded at various treatment being ask to be done by the student nurses at the pediatric ward.
B. Specific Objective:
To be proficient in the pediatric ward specifically the computation and measurement of different drugs to be administered to the patient.

A. Self- On the third week of our rotation I was given a task to handle a patient singly. I have to do all of the work. Doing it alone gives me the comfort and strength to stand up on my own and realized that I also got what it takes when I am alone.
B. Group Mates- Each of us was given a patient of our own so for this week we have to stand on our merit to survive. My group mate for the week is a 4th year student nurse he is my supervisor he is
very cooperative and also knowledgeable I am very thankful to him.
C. Clinical Instructor- Our CI is very eager to share her skill and knowledge to us. Her command of the subject (pedia)is enlightening , but it is still our carelessness that we earn her ire, resulting again in being given a lot of demerits.
I learn to be independent, not relying on the help of my group mates. I learned some computations, of which I am very weak. I'm grateful to our CI's for the shared knowledge without which we couldn't learn on our own but thru their guidance.


Learning Feedback Diary

General Objectives:
To render service especially at Pediatric Ward
To learn more and apply nursing implications and nursing practices.

Specific Objectives:
To apply and develop our skills.

Self: Well, I became more confident because for the first time in this rotation, I handle a patient by myself only and I think I did my best.

Groupmates: They are all good and responsible,

CI: She is willing to share things that we dont know yet, she guide us all the time

Learnings: We must believe on ourself that we can stand on our own, we can do a something on our own and not rely on other's help. Always be responsible and always remember that patient's need first before ourselves. Always attentive, flexible, responsible and always focus.

emily said...

GENERAL OBJECTIVE: To learn more about the prevalent diseases in the pediatric ward and the proper management to be rendered.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: To provide the necessary nursing care for the pediatric patient with respiratory problem and seizure disorder.

Self: I feel comfortable, relaxed and I'm really interested to learn more but there's lack of time to study the different cases assigned to all of us, especially if the patient we are handling is toxic.

Groupmates: All were interested and full of enthusiasm to face the challenge of having a new patient each day of our duty.

CI: she is a good motivator, a good educator and a disciplinarian. she gives a lot of pointers, sometimes she can be very strict but she can still crack a good joke that makes us feel better.

Learnings: I learned how to give medicine thru IV push and IV drip. I also learn how to make a better soapie that i can apply in my nursing care and hospital work.

Joyce Ann Cayabyab said...

General Objective:
>to give the patient the best service they desrve to.

Specific Objective:
>to enhance our knowledge about the patient's disease.
>to be more competent in doing our tasks


>We are assigned to handle our patient by ourselves.And it was my first time to handle a patient by myself though it's hard but i did what's best for my patient.

>They are fun to be with.They are kind and they share their knowledge to us.

>She's always there to teach us and guides in evrything that we do.She reminds us things we seldom do when we are on duty but we know that it is for our own good to become a not just good but competitive nurses someday.


>I have tried to administered chloramphenicol thru side drip and for me it serves as a new experience because it was my first time to administer a drug thru side drip.I also learned how to think of an improvised thing just to render the best care to the patient.Because his IVF doen'st flow and all the I.V stand are being use,so all we do is hang it on the window and on the ceiling.I felt a feeling of being tired but i just dont mind it and continue taking care of my patient.

Jay-ar C. Salas said...


General Objective:
To obtain clinical experience that is necessary for my course.

Specific Objective:
To provide quality health care to the patient especially nat pediatric Ward.
To give appropriate health teaching related to his/her condition.

Self: Im still nervous eventhough its my third week of duty.

Groupmates: They are very responsible, they share their knowledge.

CI: She is kind, responsible and especially she share her knowledge to us.

I learned a lot in our third week of duty like endorsing properly, administer meds appropriately and how to become reasonable in the rigth time, and how to accept what is my failure.

aiza blanco said...

Aiza B. Blanco

General objective:

=to be able to do an assessment and give care to a patient had a deseased of Upper Respiratory Tract Infection.
=to be able to make a best rendered care.

Specific objective:

=to be able to rendered care to a patient and manage time in doing the activities within the shift.
=to be able to learned and carry out doctor's order.

Self= i feel and developed my self confidenced in performing the assigned task given to me.I feel more comfortable of being independent.
Groupmates=they are more skillful and knowledgeable in our every day task.
Clinical Instructor=she always reminds us to those things that we've doing everyday and she is a kin observer according to my experienced.

I learned to be more competent and this week nebulization is my specialty.(hehehehe)

Unknown said...



To be able to handle different
cases regarding Pediatric Ward duty

To know how to handle and be specific
in giving nursing intervention to a
patient with Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE)


On my third rotation on the Pedia Ward
I was again given a task singly, maybe to
give me the edge in my technical skills
and sharpen my critical thinking.

On our third week of rotation I could sense
that my fellow S-nurse are beginning to enjoy
what they are doing and everything seemed
at ease with Madam Nhelz in the helm.

On our third week, we were beginning to
get a hang on Madam Nhelz style, she gives
information and helps us get along our meds,
our skills and how we might be able to get
along with the patients or get a hang with
the S.O.'s.

Im alreaydy getting a hang on not relying
to much on my groupmates since im getting that
rhythm and i was able to perform my nursing
intervention with little help, I could perform
well on drug intervention and calculating faster
for drug dosage, doing my rounds with little
supervision thanks to the prodding of our CI.

gretchen responso said...


I. Objectives:
a. General Objectives:
-To gain more knowledge and experience in handling pediatric patients.
-To be more familiar about nursing practice and health practices being implemented here in the Philippines.

b. Specific Objectives:
-To be familiar to those medical abbreviation used in the area.
-To become expert in taking the V/S of the patient accurately.
-To render service like administering their meds., taking V/S, giving health teachings and providing care and emotional support.

II. Observations
a. Self:
-I was nervous even if it is our already third week of duty at pedia ward..,I dont know if it is because of being alone in handling patient. But little bit confident about what I'm doing. I became careful in charting and giving meds. of my patient.

b. Gruopmates:
-They were kind, helpful, approachable and responsible.

c. C.I.:
-She was kind,approachable and understanding. She's very supportive and willing to share her knowledge about the topic ASD and she answers our questions nicely.

III. Learnings:
-Last thursday, instead of going to QPH for duty we attend the seminar of our seniors, which are the fourth year, because of that I learned a lot of things like how to care our skin, to keep and maintain our skin beautiful, and also I learned how rabies transmitted to human, how it will treat and prevented.
-Last friday, I learned how to become independent in taking care of my patient. And last Saturday I learned how to get a specimens for urinalysis and fecalysis.

gretchen responso said...


I. Objectives:
a. General Objectives:
-To gain more knowledge and experience in handling pediatric patients.
-To be more familiar about nursing practice and health practices being implemented here in the Philippines.

b. Specific Objectives:
-To be familiar to those medical abbreviation used in the area.
-To become expert in taking the V/S of the patient accurately.
-To render service like administering their meds., taking V/S, giving health teachings and providing care and emotional support.

II. Observations
a. Self:
-I was nervous even if it is our already third week of duty at pedia ward..,I dont know if it is because of being alone in handling patient. But little bit confident about what I'm doing. I became careful in charting and giving meds. of my patient.

b. Gruopmates:
-They were kind, helpful, approachable and responsible.

c. C.I.:
-She was kind,approachable and understanding. She's very supportive and willing to share her knowledge about the topic ASD and she answers our questions nicely.

III. Learnings:
-Last thursday, instead of going to QPH for duty we attend the seminar of our seniors, which are the fourth year, because of that I learned a lot of things like how to care our skin, to keep and maintain our skin beautiful, and also I learned how rabies transmitted to human, how it will treat and prevented.
-Last friday, I learned how to become independent in taking care of my patient. And last Saturday I learned how to get a specimens for urinalysis and fecalysis.

Mr. Deleon said...

>To ensure every pt. feels safe and secure to your abilities.

>To provide health service to the ptatient.

>on our third week of duty, I have encountered relatives of a pt. who doubts/dislike a student nurse like me because they are not satisfied of what student nurse rendered a care to their patient thats why i have endorsed to my senior that my patient refused to rendered a care to a student nurse.
>I've realize that my groupmates are sometimes no cared about their groupmates because last saturday school bus left me in the school thats why i failed and missed my duty.
C.) Clinical Instructor:
>Our C.I was very strict in terms of patient chart.

>i have learned so much to managed my time and go earlier to school so that i will not be left by the bus and missed the duty.

Jeffrey Alcantara said...
