Nursing encompasses an art, a humanistic orientation, a feeling for the value of the individual, and an intuitive sense of ethics, and of the appropriateness of action taken.
Posted by nHeLia at 6:33 AM
Activity # 2
Give a situation wherein a nurse violates the rights of a patient.
If a nurse on duty failed or refused to render the best nursing care services to a patient suffering from a highly contagious disease like AIDS, TB or any situation that makes the nurse uncomfortable - "nandidri" will violates the rights of a patient since any patient has the right to a considerate and respectful care even without demanding his/her services.
Due to the nature of the patient's illness, some nurses are reluctant to render freely health care services. It might be a personal individual weaknesses to some unfavorable or uncomfortable situations . However, a nurse must always think of a plan or find a way to overcome his/her weaknesses.
The use of safe protectives, strenghten commitment to serve and to share his/her knowledge and skills and familiarization with the illness of the patient will warrant a stronger competence to face any patient and any situation.
one situation wherein a nurse violates the rights of a patient is....
If a nurse failed to follow the right of the patient to privacy and the the patient's diagnosis' confidentiality...
Example, Nurse XYZ handles
Mrs. LMN a patient with let's say a Breast Cancer. In the morning before the Doctor have her rounds Nurse XYZ just put the patient's chart beside her bed knowing that there were other people(RELATIVES OF THE PATIENT) inside the room(WARD).
Then she left to put the other patient's chart on their bedside also.The people iside Mrs. LMN's room were so curious to read her chart and so, they did.When Nurse XYZ returned at Mrs. LMN's room the patient scolded her because of the reason she doesn't want anybody to know her real diagnosis or illness especially her children. Mrs. LMN's children then felt so depressed and so as she. She felt so misserable and quite degraded.
In this situation the nurse failed. knowing that the patient's right to privacy and confideniality of her diagnosis is important. In this case the patient's feelings and also her beloved one's is at a great risk.
Activity # 2
Give a situation wherein a nurse violates the rights of a patient.
If an instance every nurses in the world are here to promite the health and prevention of the illness/death we are here to extend the life of the patient not to death our patient...For Instance like this....The Nurse JTA handles the patieny MQC...the Nurse JTA are in morning day the Nurse go to the patient room to give drug to the patient which is throught parenteral which is intravenous....the patient don't like the drug because she is afraid of injection and the student nurses failed to inject him so that many marked of inject in the sight of her intravenous...the Nurse JTA forced to inject the Patient MQC with is in the intravenous.......the S.O of the patient mad of the nurse because he did not do other plan/way to give drug to the patient and forced to inject the drug even the patient did not like it....
In this case the Nurse the violated right of the patient which is right to refuse..the nurse failed to give a proper nursing because of his wrong action....and also the nurse failed to gain the trust of the patient...instead of gaining trust of the patient is now afraid to the nurse because of his action...
A situation wherein a nurse violates the rights of a patient.
The situation let say, two group of nursing students they will conduct a interview of thier patient, the first group who will conduct interview are not good, or they dont approach the patient well, so the details they want to know is not the exact details, because of not proper way to approach the patient, but the second who will conduct a interview also is they know the exact detail they want to know, because they approach well the patient, they gain the trust of their patient,..and that is the one rigth of patient to be approach..
rogelio trinidad said..
rogelio trinidad said..
activity #2
situation where in a nurse violates the rights of a patient,.
We all know that being a nurse must be caring to his or her patient..
if a nurse on duty is will be added further injury to his or her the patient who suffered spinal cord injury
- we all know that spinal cord injury is a critical condition or 50-50 that required high level of care and ones you force your patient to move and move there is a possible to leads him or her death.and we all know that a nurse is one of the health care provider not to added further injury to our patient... the right of the patient was to promote his or her health condition... and also the right to live....
"note" be a good nurse.. be a good health provider.. and be a responsible to our patient...nurse must be empathetic....
rogelio trinidad said..
activity #2
situation where in a nurse violates the rights of a patient,.
We all know that being a nurse must be caring to his or her patient..
if a nurse on duty is will be added further injury to his or her the patient who suffered spinal cord injury
- we all know that spinal cord injury is a critical condition or 50-50 that required high level of care and ones you force your patient to move and move there is a possible to leads him or her death.and we all know that a nurse is one of the health care provider not to added further injury to our patient... the right of the patient was to promote his or her health condition... and also the right to live....
"note" be a good nurse.. be a good health provider.. and be a responsible to our patient...nurse must be empathetic....
shelanie may gauani
They got my idea but i have another one....heehe
The patient’s right to be respected...
->have this example that you are to give patient Ab who had an injury which includes his private part and you have to give the patient's private a dressing you have to clean it or put some betadine in it, while preparing all the things needed he unfortunately touched your bump, not knowing that your patient is a maniac,of course you'll react on what he have done to you you'll get mad and stuff which is against his right. But of course come to think of it you have respected your patient but did your patient respected you of couse not. if one gained respect one should respect you too... nurses gives all the best that she could but if patients are too barbaric with their actions they cannot gain the best care that they should be having...
That’s all....
Give a situation wherein a nurse violates the rights of a patient.
There are Medical personnel a situation which violates the rights of a patient who allowed the videotaping of the rectal surgery of a male patient in a government-run hospital in Cebu City which happened last January 3. The patient said he is planning to file criminal charges against the people involved in the scandal.
The video clip of the said operation shows a gay patient having surgery to remove from his anus a bottle stuck there presumably during a sexual act. The video was eventually posted in a popular video-sharing website. The patient later showed himself before the police and threatened to sue the medical team for a violation of the medical code of ethics.
The doctors and nurse violated the protocol of an operation as they allowed the taking of pictures and video during the surgery. The medical team and also laughed at the gay patient. The doctor allowed the taking of photos of his patient and violates the patient’s confidentiality. It was very bad, it violates protocol and it’s prohibited.
The incident shows they were taking surgery as a joke. Unnecessary remarks, taking video clips, making fun at a patient are clearly not included in the standard operating procedures during operations
A patient has a right for confidentiality of his/her situation, about what happened will affect our images here in our country that medical personnel and hospital policies are not trustful but this can prevent by providing a disciplinary actions from the management that should be made. So everybody might think that this situation of scandal will happen to them and its big FAIL on the part of medical personnel in getting the TRUST of a patient ofcourse.
Give a situation wherein a nurse violates the rights of a patient.
There are Medical personnel a situation which violates the rights of a patient who allowed the videotaping of the rectal surgery of a male patient in a government-run hospital in Cebu City which happened last January 3. The patient said he is planning to file criminal charges against the people involved in the scandal.
The video clip of the said operation shows a gay patient having surgery to remove from his anus a bottle stuck there presumably during a sexual act. The video was eventually posted in a popular video-sharing website. The patient later showed himself before the police and threatened to sue the medical team for a violation of the medical code of ethics.
The doctors and nurse violated the protocol of an operation as they allowed the taking of pictures and video during the surgery. The medical team and also laughed at the gay patient. The doctor allowed the taking of photos of his patient and violates the patient’s confidentiality. It was very bad, it violates protocol and it’s prohibited.
The incident shows they were taking surgery as a joke. Unnecessary remarks, taking video clips, making fun at a patient are clearly not included in the standard operating procedures during operations
A patient has a right for confidentiality of his/her situation, about what happened will affect our images here in our country that medical personnel and hospital policies are not trustful but this can prevent by providing a disciplinary actions from the management that should be made. So everybody might think that this situation of scandal will happen to them and its big FAIL on the part of medical personnel in getting the TRUST of a patient ofcourse.
Henry Michael R. Rustia Jr. ^_^
(Answer ko po sa activity)
- One morning a nurse is having a duty in St. Luke’s hospital, she has a patient that have a “blood cancer”. The patient asked the nurse to assist him in the comfort room because he is not feeling well and when the patient got in his bed, he saw that the nurse is holding his medical records. The patient wants to read his records and the nurse refuses. In this situation the right of the patient is violated by the nurse because the patient has a right to read his medical record and to know what his condition is.
-some other nurse sometimes violated the right of the patient esp.the right to privacy.Filipinos attitude they love chatting and talking others life so other nurses gossiping to their patient eventhough they are chatting to each other at the private but then the patient's right has been violated because of this.And sometimes other nurse laughing the situation and sometimes saying "it si nakakadiri talaga".And like the case of a gay who opearated by injecting spray on his private parts some doctor and staff they captured it,laughing at him, shouting like they dont care about the patient feeling so I don't blame the patient if he conduct some crimal cases againts them.And it is so ashamed to the other country to know how our Doctor or nurses to this thing to their pateint
The role of the nurse, however, has changed. Today, nurses commonly assume functions previously performed only by the physician. In hospitals, clinics across the country and evidently in farflung barrios, nurses have assumed the responsibilities such as the actual examination, diagnosis, and treatment of a patient, oftentimes without any direct supervision by a physician.
The patient's right to obtain from physicians relevant,current, and understandable information concerning diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis is clearly violated.
(as simple as that)
Being a nurse you have so many obligations to your patient. You must render them the service or the care they needed. In the clinical field, as a nurse you have your own rights and evenly your patient does the same.
Many misconceptions about the patient’s right are being done nowadays. For example, for just simply making favoritism between your patients deals likely with violating their own rights. For these cases, you evenly put gap between you and your patient communication status. For this, the nursing care or evenly the therapeutic nursing care to be particular will not be that effective.
Always take note that big things or complicated situations happen because of mis interpretations or simple negligence about the patient’s rights and evenly their basic needs.....
Activity #2
Give a situation where in a Nurse violates the rights of a patient.
we as a nurse on duty we should respect the rights of a patient
A nurse on duty should give the best care he/she could to his/her patient.
if a nurse on duty refused to follow and do the things he/she should do to his/her patient to feel comfortable who is suffering with an illness..
and if the patient is not in the mood,we should respect it we should adjust with our patients.
a nurse on duty should think twice with the words and the things that he/she would say to his/her patient...
Right of a patient to expect that all communication and records pertaining his care should be treated confidential.
It is in my mind that this is the most common right of patient that usually nurses and other medical staff violates. Pertaining that it's our nature to be storyful, obviously by just uttering words about the patient, you are commiting to violations. Consider that everyone commits mistakes, yet, i do not affirm that everyone had made such. HOwever, some nurses as professionals tend to omit this violations, we must first consider our patient;s feelings and must not be mean to them, nevertheless by our mistakes it must be either gaining or losing something, everyone is IMPERFECT, we are also PATIENT in our way so before making judgement in patients we must have the empathy to lessen or simply being careful with this violations.
Malpractice of a nurse
A nurse caring for a patient who'd undergone gastric bypass surgery for weight reduction found her patient exhibiting classic symptoms of cardiac tamponade. Suspecting that the pulmonary artery catheter had punctured the heart, she repeatedly asked her nurse-manager to examine the patient. The manager refused, telling the nurse that the patient's abnormal vital signs reflected agitation and restlessness-even though the manager hadn't examined the patient herself.
The nurse became so concerned about her patient's deteriorating condition that she attempted to telephone the physician herself, but the manager stopped her. As a result, the patient didn't receive medical attention until it was too late. Taken into emergency surgery, she suffered severe brain damage and died a week later. The jury found that if the nurse-manager had examined the patient as requested and called the physician promptly, the patient's condition could have been easily treated with pericardiocentesis. The jury decided against the hospital and awarded $7.3 million for the negligence of its nursing staff. (The physicians settled before trial for $2.7 million.)
In an emergency situation, a patient has a right to treatment, regardless of ability to pay, but his/her have not yet given a down payment on a possible hospital. If a situation is likely to cause death, serious injury, or disability if not attended to promptly, it is an emergency. Cardiac arrest, heavy bleeding, profound shock, severe head injuries, and acute psychotic states are some examples of emergencies. Less obvious situations can also be emergencies: broken bones, fever, and cuts requiring stitches may also require immediate treatment,the patient may die to referral.
Both public and private hospitals have a duty to administer medical care to a person experiencing an emergency. If a hospital has emergency facilities, it is legally required to provide appropriate treatment to a person experiencing an emergency.
But the hospital refuses to admit the patient in terms of paying those bills; the relative of patient may submitted a case or accuse to that hospital if ever the patient will die.,
The patient has a right for immediate treatment of on his/her situation or else the hospital will violate the particular one of the bill rights of a patient.
Which has the duty of the hospital to give and prevent to the patient may cause of death or suffer some damage to him/her self.
the nurse also has a big part of this case...?
Announcementpo to all 2-A
Sa monday po ay 7:30 ang time natin sa pharma! Thanku^_^ pakisabi nalang sa ibang clasm8 natin ah?
give a situation wherein a nurse violates the right of a patient.
The patient has the right to refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law, and to be informed of the medical consequences of his action.
A thirty-five-year old pregnant woman was taken to the hospital following an accident in the home. At the hospital, it was determined that the near-term fetus was not getting sufficient oxygenation. According to the medical opinion, both mother and child needed a blood transfusion.
The woman, a member of Jehova's witness faith,refused the blood transfusion on the basis of her religion.But the nurse insisted that she need to perform a blood transfusion as per doctors order,while talking to patient the nurse murmured "i don't care whatever your religion" I'm just doing my job.
The nurse violate the patients bill of right # 4.
in addition to my comment the best situation i can give is when both nurses or medical staff keep on talking about their patient or pertaining to ideas,in simple means they violate the right of patient
(Axcel Kenji G. Balisi)
BSN 2-A™
Give a situation wherein a nurse violates the rights of a patient. ---the right of patient to be respected..for example even the patient is not in his high status of living they should be respected and that is one of the rights that nurses matter how rich or poor,descent or ugly we belong in the same category as humans.despite our status we deserve to be treated the way we wanted,.to be human wanted to be disgraced and judged.yet alot of med. staff violates this and make their own ratial descrimination that importantly must not…™
(Axcel Kenji G. Balisi)
BSN 2-A™
Give a situation wherein a nurse violates the rights of a patient. ---the right of patient to be respected..for example even the patient is not in his high status of living they should be respected and that is one of the rights that nurses matter how rich or poor,descent or ugly we belong in the same category as humans.despite our status we deserve to be treated the way we wanted,.to be human wanted to be disgraced and judged.yet alot of med. staff violates this and make their own ratial descrimination that importantly must not…™
(Axcel Kenji G. Balisi)
BSN 2-A™
Give a situation wherein a nurse violates the rights of a patient. ---the right of patient to be respected..for example even the patient is not in his high status of living they should be respected and that is one of the rights that nurses matter how rich or poor,descent or ugly we belong in the same category as humans.despite our status we deserve to be treated the way we wanted,.to be human wanted to be disgraced and judged.yet alot of med. staff violates this and make their own ratial descrimination that importantly must not…™
like for an example a woman was brought to the delivery room for a "raspa" upon entering the roomthe doctor ask for assistance from a nurse to assist her to the patient. when the clinical intructor knew that there was a patient who would undergoe "raspa' she asked her studnets to come and watch and observe the procedure. but the patient said that she would only wnt the doctor and the nurse to be in the room but the c.iinsisted to let her students watch how would the patient have her right toprivacy if the c.i insisted to let her students watch.
Give a situation wherein a nurse violates the rights of a patient.
The role of the nurse to make sure that his/her patient is to give the best care for them while they are in bad condition. Patients are the nurse's most important job.
One situation of violating a patient's rights is when a patient is suffering from AIDS, we all know that AIDS is a very serious kind of illness, and some of AIDS victims dont want other people know about their illness, but if a nurse on duty tell the other nurse or make "chismis" with her friends about the patient's illness will violate the right of the patient because every patient has the "right to privacy" where in a nurse is not allowed to tell everybody about the condition of a patient. Right to privacy is very important for the patient. all nurses should be responsible enough and be considerate with every action he/she will make.
Mr. bossy is a bus driver,he need to work hard for his family.During his trip to Baguio,he met an accident.He is about to turn in his left but his light signal did not function.Many of his passenger died and some has a fracture.
They carried all the passenger including Mr. bossy to the nearest hospital w/c is the BO Hospital.Mr Bossy loss a lot of blood he need to buy type AB Blood bec. there is no donation coming from his frieds.
The nurse on duty is Ms. Mariposa Aguilar,a newly registered nurse.The dr. order was to give Mr. Bossy blood type ab...STAT..
The nurse did not follow the dr. order she give the blood 1 hour after the accident.Ms. Aguilar give attention to those who has a fracture,after giving meds,Ms. Mariposa went to ER HE SEE mR. BOSSY REMEMBERING THE ORDER OF THE DR..mS aGUIlar was running out of time until mar. bossy died.....
that' mariposa violate all tha right of a pt..
Activity # 2
Give a situation wherein a nurse violates the rights of a patient.
as a nurse you have to priorities for dealing respect and giving information before we going to do,,,so as of now,i have an idea,about in these situation,like the nurse on duty and the patient have STD,at the time of giving Medication you will be careful,if the patient ask to you for what is these mEdication,you can tell about the symptoms not the uses of these because you know on how to react to your patient."BAKA MASAMPAL KA PA NIYA'"because some cases are not valid to tell us.perhaps;they can't accept that his/her have an STD..The Sexually Transmitted disease are very are infections that you can get from having sex with someone who has the infection. The causes of STDs are bacteria, parasites and viruses. thats all.....
Johnson Dave R. de leon
activity #2
"Give a situation wherein a nurse violates the rights of a patient.
My situation is like this;Mr.juan dela cruz always feel pain from his head and he never mind it to buy a medicine until few days had past,the pain that he had feel days ago"mas lumala at nadoble nang pain from his head at that time he was hospitalize,Mr. Juan Dela Cruz had undergone many operation and a lot of medicine that he was take which the Dr. ordered for him, as the time goes by he feels that seems nothing has improvement to his condition until there was a time to come the Dr. of Mr. Juan Dela Cruz tell him that as a result and finding from his condition tells that he has a cancer of the brain and the Dr. said in one month time he will die, one day the student nurse name Ms. ABC heard about the condition of patient,he go around to the room of the patient Mr.Juan Dela Cruz for morning care and take for initial vital sign and he had done for it,few hours left it was a lunch break so the student nurse Ms. ABC are going to have a lunch together with their classmate at the cafeteria while the lunch are going on Ms. ABC talk about his patient Mr. Juan Dela Cruz that his patient has a cancer of the brain and etc....
as their conversation going on and the student nurse Ms. ABC continiung about his patient condition,she was unaware that he was alraedy violating the rights of the patient and she never noticed that she was in a public place,and the SO of the patient heard everything of what Ms.ABC keeps talking and yet instead it is confidential matter she was voulgar t0 the public place so then the S.O got so angry to the student nurse and the S.O of the patient complains it to the head nurse of the hospitals that what the student nurse did is very much unjustice to their part so the S.O of Mr. juan dela cruz won't it to aregla from the head nurse so the S.O filled a case against the student nurse together with her C.I thats the end of my activity.
Jireh Faih T. Guerrero BSN2-C
Give a situation wherein a nurse violates the rights of a patient.
> before a nurse make any recommendation for treatment or plan of a care to the patient, patient need to know what are the medical consequences of this action. The patient has the right to make decisions like whether if the patient will agree or refuse a recommended treatment.
For example,Ms. ABC is a nurse injected antibiotic to Mr. J, a patient, the nurse know that antibiotic is painful when it goes to the vein thru IV push so the nurse aspirate it slowly but Ms. ABC don't tell to Mr. J, so the patient is not ready if what will be the effect of the antibiotic, of course the patient will react or there is the possibility that patient will got anger to the nurse because of pain and Ms. ABC is injecting it slowly. There are patients who are hot-headed, or sometimes they scolded some nurse and even they cry because of pain. The patient then will tell the nurse if why Ms. ABC do not explain.This is one situation where nurse violate the patient's right.
Give a situation wherein a nurse violates the right of a patient.
Mr.Andres, a middle aged man with a family history of heart disease including the untimely death of his father and uncle’s, begins to become short winded upon moderate exercise. He is very frightened and has a morbid fear that perhaps he is beginning to have the same problems as his relative.
After Mr. Andres has been examined by his physician he tells that he wants to know the truth if the result are bad. The result of the examine was bad. Mr. Andres ask the nurse the result of the examine but the nurse did not tell the truth. Instead she answered Mr. Andres the she is not the one who has the responsibility to answer that question. The nurse violated the patient's bill of right.
Situations where in a nurse violates the rights of a patient.
Mrs. X, a young woman thirty-two years old with two children, is a member of the Jehovah’s Witness faith. After a serious automobile accident, she has interval bleeding. The physician wishes to transfuse the patient,in order to stabilize her so that surgery can be done and the bleeding halted. The patient refuse the treatment based on her belief that it would be against the will of God.
The physician instruct the nurse to perform blood transfusion, and he is not informed that the patient is a member of Jehovah‘s witness faith. The nurse performs the blood transfusion even though the patient is a member of Jehovah’s faith.
Two years from now,after we graduate and passed the board exam,we are going to rendered service in our society,most especially to the people who have an illnes.As of now as a student,it is not easy to us to become a nurse...before you achieve your goal to become a nurse,there are many hardship that we face first,you have to give your best,to passed all your subjects,and most especially,always put on mind what you have learned in the school so that if you become a nurse,you can share it to the other and take good care of the patient.
Here is a situation where in a nurse violates the rights of a patient.
There is a nurse named jk (nurse) and the patient Lim.Everytime that jk (nurse)visit Lim (patient)he usually shown that he really cares a lot,because Lim confined to the hospital for acute asthma.One night,jk (nurse)go to the room of lim (patient)for the medecine,and after an hour,not knowing that they taked about their past and their lovelife,theyre talked like they really know each other.During the week that lim (patient)hospitalized,Jk (nurse)was fall inlove to his patient,eventhough JK (NURSE)know that it is not right to have a relationship to his patient,but still he do.
On the last night of LIM (Patient) in the hospital,JK (nurse)hug her,kisses her on the cheek and she ask him to give her a call and have a date during his off,and that was JK (nurse) violates the rights of his patient because he did not respect his patient.
As a nurse there are many obligations. We face different situation beyond our capabilities. We need to focus on what we are doing. We need to follow the rules and regulation. We need to respect the rights of our patient, because we handle the lives of people, and to cure for there sick and give them medication, and to not violate there rights. We always commit it to GOD because he is our constant companion..........
-Ms.WZ, a 28 yrs of age, as known to be a popular celebrity suffering from a disease and was confined in the hospital. After the diagnosis of the doctor, he tells to MS.WZ the examination result. The result of the finding is positive STD.The patient want the result to be a confidential because of being popular. Accidentally the nurse heard the conversation between the doctor and MS. WZ.After the nurse heard that conversation, she spread the news she heard, and all the staff nurse know items WZ know that her confidential records was spread out’s WZ decided to file the case against the nurse, because the nurse violated the right of the patient............
Give a situation wherein a Nurse violates the Rights of a Patient
Mr. kungfU,a 50 y/o,un moody person and confined in the hospital because
Of headache(migrane),one day the attending nurse did not read the chart of her patient she give him a drug to take but Mr.kUngfU refused to take the medicine because he don’t want to disturd him while he”s at rest. The nurse violates the right of the patient because the nurse did not inform that her patient is at rest and unmoody.
Give a situation wherein a Nurse violates the Rights of a Patient
Mr. kungfU,a 50 y/o,un moody person and confined in the hospital because
Of headache(migrane),one day the attending nurse did not read the chart of her patient she give him a drug to take but Mr.kUngfU refused to take the medicine because he don’t want to disturbed him while he's at rest.
The nurse violates the right of the patient because the nurse did not informed that her patient is at rest and unmoody.
Nurse has a unique person, to treated a patient, right, with a knowledge, and a skills.
One day, Ms. Monchiguing was a victim of fire accident. She felt first degree burn. She went to the hospital, after a few hours the nurse went to the room of Ms. Monchiguing and monitored his condition. Ms. Monchiguing was given a medicine, antibiotic. Then after that the nurse went out. Ms. Monchiguing was conscious because the nurse should not tell to the patient what is the medicine that she taken. And the nurse should not tell his name, and his obligation to the patient.
venus tumolva
blk c
Give a situation wherein a nurse violates the right of a patient.
>Mr.A, 65 yrs/old was admitted in the ER and was administered with oxygen. On the same day Ms.Z,45 yrs/old was also admitted in the ER for the same case. There is only 1 oxygen tank in the hospital. The nurse decided to take off the oxygen from Mr.A and transfered it to Ms.Z. Arter a few minutes Mr A became bluish/cyanotic and when the nurse took his cardiac rate, it was elevated and began to drop. The nurse tried to refer it to the Dr. but it's to late. Mr.A died. Only to found out that Ms Z was a close relative of the nurse, that's why she had sacrificed her other patient.
The nurse violated the right of Mr.A to be treated equally.
For instance in one hospital named cardio medical hospital has a patient admitted with a mild stroke, named Mr. claro but he recovered in the disease and he only recovering before he discharge in that hospital, Mr. Claro is in the Male ward of the hospital MR. Claro need a special care to make fast his recovery. As responsibilities of the nurse she/he has to monitor his vital sign to know if there are changes during the monitoring of his vital sign the nurse disrespect him (the way she/he talk to the patient, the way he put the Bp apparatus in his arm, the nurse should not do the proper) some times the nurse did not give the medicine need of the patient. When his S.O asked for the medicine the nurse was shout them the reason she/he act like that is she/he was tired in doing the Doctors order. For his patient medication.
jay-ar salas BSN 2C
One day, Mrs. Ko is confine at JAY-AR C. SALAS GENERAL HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL CENTER due to Acute gastroenteritis. Her nurse is Mrs. Tong, Mrs. Tong is a active nurse but she is lack in good manner and right conduct. One morning Mrs. Tong give medicine to her patient, but Mrs. Tong didn’t knock the door and never greet the patient. Mrs. Ko feels sad to that nurse.
Mrs. L is undergo for a cervical cancer examination, before the examination Mrs. L tell to his Doctor and to her attending nurse that whatever the result of her examination ,they should keep it and never tell to her family and S.O. After the examination the results receive by the nurse who is the attending nurse of the patient and she read it and she found out that her patient was positive in cervix cancer. After a while she return to the nurse station then she tell to her co-nurse’s that her patient have a cervix cancer. Accidentally the relative of the patient is in the nurse station, the relative heard the result of their patient, then the relative feel emotionally and feel sad.
for example a nurse was assigned to give a medicine to a pt.,not expecting her pt. was her very worst enemy,and her pt. was then refuse to take the medicine,but then the nurse still forcing her to take the medicine....we all know that it is the right of the pt. to refuse and of course as a nurse we need to have much patience to our pt. and to respect their wants,in this case the nurse didn't respect the right of the pt. and of course she don't have patience,instead she think the gap between them.and didn't think the condition of the pt.
Give a situation wherein a nurse violates the rights of the patient.
The patient has the right to expect that all communications and record pertaining to his care should be treated as confidential.
Jane a twenty-three years old, unmarried, and mother of four children by three different father. She was admitted in Hospital for dilation and curettage for incomplete abortion. And old woman approach the nurse, she asked the nurse what happened to that patient why there is too much blood. The nurse replied "miscarriage maam"
Supposed to be this is her fifth children by different father. And then the nurse smile.
activity #2
give a situation where in a nurse violates the rights of a patient.
-nurses should informed their patients about the medicines administering to them, the effect of the drug and what it may cause, the treatment and any diagnosis given, or any procedure to be done. in case the nurse failed to do that simple thing, they simply violate the right of the patient to be informed concerning their health.
-as nurses, we should always put in mind that the health of the patient is in our hand, and also think about their situation. make them feel that we care.
-maybe our patient have'nt enough knowledge to know about the medications given to them, that's why its our role as nurses to informed and explain to them. they have the right to know everything concerning their health.
activity #2
give a situation where in a nurse violates the rights of a patient.
-nurses should informed their patients about the medicines administering to them, the effect of the drug and what it may cause, the treatment and any diagnosis given, or any procedure to be done. in case the nurse failed to do that simple thing, they simply violate the right of the patient to be informed concerning their health.
-as nurses, we should always put in mind that the health of the patient is in our hand, and also think about their situation. make them feel that we care.
-maybe our patient have'nt enough knowledge to know about the medications given to them, that's why its our role as nurses to informed and explain to them. they have the right to know everything concerning their health.
The patient has the right to considerate and respectful care.
A nurse must give consideration and respect to his/her client whatever the mood of the patient because being a nurse is a vocation not just a job with in return salary, a nurse must love his/her work for him/her to promote health and prevent illness.
Situation: Jayjay is the patient and Lyka is the nurse attending Jayjay the patient, Lyka's mood is not that good because she had a problem in their family business she forgot to leave her problem in their business, she carry it in the hospital while being with Jayjay she didn't talk kindly to her patient and she failed to consider his pain. In this situation Lyka the nurse violated the patients right to consider and respect. Nurses should not be like that in order to be an effective nurse we must consider and respect our client whoever they are. either they are rich or poor they are human to be care and to love just as God loves us.
The patient's Bill of Rights were created to provide a protection on the part of the patient for any untoward action that a nurse may do to a patient. This means that a patient has the right to make legal actions against a nurse if he/she proves that a nurse is violating the said rights. However, in some cases wherein the patient is incapable of making decisions like in the cases of comatose or patients with mental disabilities, minor age, these rights can be exercised on the patient's behalf by a designated surrogate or proxy decision maker.
There are lots of situations where a nurse may violate the rights of a patient. Like for example in the case of a patient who is an AIDS victim, this may mean a very serious and delicate case. The patient with AIDS has the right to expect that all communications and records pertaining to his/her disease and care will be treated as confidential by the hospital as stated in the sixth Bill of Rights. If in case, the assigned nurse, upon knowing that his/her patient is an AIDS victim, told her co-nurses or other employees or to anyone regarding her case and has the intention to gossip about the case of the patient, and this revelation has brought a shameful situation to the AIDS patient, he/she has the right to make a complain against the said nurse. Hence, the patient can exercise some legal actions against the nurse for violating the Sixth Bill of Rights.
It is a daily routine of a nurse to provide morning care and vital signs taking, some of there duties are also getting the head to toe physical assessment. A Registered Nurse name Lovely Mendez in charge to a 40years of age artist patient named Jose Muhlach. Upon his arrival she already had her tape recorder in her pocket and turn on it immediately; it was part of his daily activities to have a tape recorder because she has sometimes difficulty of hearing. In the middle of her head-to-toe physical assessment the wife of Mr. Jose Muhlach arrived, upon arriving everyone can tell that his wife is really mad and hysterically shouting at her husband. According to Mrs. Muhlach she confirmed that his husband is impotent, no one notice that the assessment was recorded. And some of the findings will be evidence as his being impotent.
As soon as Nurse Mendez finish the Physical assessment she immediately leave the room, On her way to Nursing station she was asked by her best friend Abigail Mendoza which is also a registered nurse, asked things that had happen inside the room she was aware that Lovely has an artist patient, Lovely knows that what happen inside is confidential so she never say anything and leave her best friend alone. Lovely put her tape recorder in her bag and leave, but Mendoza gets her tape recorder.
In the morning Lovely is packing her things then she heard in the news about the Mistress of Mr. Jose Muhlach, and the evidence was a tape recorded in the hospital.
Mendoza never treated the patient’s records as confidential.
It is a daily routine of a nurse to provide morning care and vital signs taking, some of there duties are also getting the head to toe physical assessment. A Registered Nurse name Lovely Mendez in charge to a 40years of age artist patient named Jose Muhlach. Upon his arrival she already had her tape recorder in her pocket and turn on it immediately; it was part of his daily activities to have a tape recorder because she has sometimes difficulty of hearing. In the middle of her head-to-toe physical assessment the wife of Mr. Jose Muhlach arrived, upon arriving everyone can tell that his wife is really mad and hysterically shouting at her husband. According to Mrs. Muhlach she confirmed that his husband is impotent, no one notice that the assessment was recorded. And some of the findings will be evidence as his being impotent.
As soon as Nurse Mendez finish the Physical assessment she immediately leave the room, On her way to Nursing station she was asked by her best friend Abigail Mendoza which is also a registered nurse, asked things that had happen inside the room she was aware that Lovely has an artist patient, Lovely knows that what happen inside is confidential so she never say anything and leave her best friend alone. Lovely put her tape recorder in her bag and leave, but Mendoza gets her tape recorder.
In the morning Lovely is packing her things then she heard in the news about Mr. Jose Muhlach impotent, and the evidence was the assessment recorded by Miss Lovely.
Mendoza never treated the patient’s records as confidential. And Miss Lovely never asked permission that she will is using a tape recorder in head to toe Physicall assessment.
As a nurse we must have respect our patient,because being a nurse we must have the TLC-Tender,loving,care.
situation: One morning, Mr.K the attending nurse assinged to give a morning care to Ms. F a pt. product of a case of TB.. Mr. K refused to do the morning care because he all know that TB is a CD, and he don't want to have that kind of desease and he is uncomfortable to that patient. because of that case the relatives of the patient ask the dr. why the attending nurse did not give the morning care to the pt.
In this case, the nurse failed. pt.have the rigth to complained to the dr. if necessary.. nurse not have the right to refuse what the dr. say.
Give a situation wherein a nurse violates the rights of a patient.
Nurse having a patient who have a STD/AIDS...
The patient trust the nurse and she told to the nurse all experience that happened to her. But the nurse told to his group mates what is the case of his patient and told to them all story happened to his patient, and one of the patient relatives hear what the nurse said to his group mates.
In this case the nurse violated the right of a patient to expect that all communication and records pertaining his care should be treated as confidential...
One of the right of a patient is the right of privacy. You violate this if you talk the case of the patient to other person that are not belong to the health team provider. It must be talk only to a person who is belong to the health team provider, and it must only know about the case of the patient.
Give a situation wherein a nurse violates the rights of a patient.
the pt. has the right to recieve a right medication in right route & right time. to cure his/her illness and this can be violated when for e.g. the nurse give wrong medication to the pt. in the wrong time and wrong route. for e.g. the nurse is sopposed to gave cefuroxime & give it orally w/c is sopposed to be IV in that case the nurse worsen the sit. the pt. may possibly die because of wrong medication.
the pt. was rush in the & clained seizure in the pass 3 hours. the nurse recieve the pt. & she just let him lie in the bed w/o even putting tough depression & raising the siderails. after 30 mins. the pt. had another episode of seizure & he was fall from bed & bitten his tongue. in this sit. the pt.has the right to recieve proper nursing intervention & in this case it is being violated.
On the 28th of april mr.Lover boy is admitted at Quilling General hospital diagnosed with syphillis, The nurse on duty that day noticed Mr.loverboy who is incidentally her Bestfriends boyfriend. She checked his records and was shocked with what she found out, She was afraid that her bestfriend might acquire it also, she thought of giving her information about her boyfriends case just to warn her and does not have intention to tell to other people, after knowing his boyfriends condition, the girltold it to thier friends and started to avoid him, she did not keep her word.
after the discharge of mr.lover boy he was so shocked that almost everyone knew about his case, that's when he found out that his girlfernd's bestfriend is the NOD during his admission at the hospital, and proven that she (his girlfriend's bestfriend) was the one who told the information,that made him decide to file a complaint against the nurse.
In this situation the nurse violated the right of a patient to expect that all communications and records pertaining to his/her care will be treated as confidential by the hospital.
in this situation the nurse only care for her friend, The purpose is Good but the action is bad it is also considered bad and violation to a patient's rule.
Patient – is a person needing medical attention or treatment whether it is on hospitals, clinic even on roads and streets.
One sunny afternoon,, nurse Ev910 was walking home from an 8hour duty from Qwerty hospital when he received a call from his girlfriend that they need to break their 3 years relationship for some religious reasons.
On the other hand tatay G500 was also walking on the same street to pick some materials that can be sold to junk shops to have some little amount of money for their lunch, it is also where nurse Ev910 was walking at. With tatay G500 was his 3 orphaned little kids, they were Transcend, a 3 year old kid, Kingston, a 6 years old boy and the oldest was Intel which is 9 years of age but has an amputated leg because of some fire works last year.
While tatay G500 was pushing their “kariton” the 3 kids were sitting inside arranging the news papers they picked up along the way. And at last, the last corner for them to reach Valkyrie’s Junk shop, a shop where all of its workers are costumer-friendly. While tatay G500 tries to push the cart and trying to hide his stomach’s crouching and rhythmic sound to avoid his kids to worry about their step-father hungriness. Last 5 steps to cross the intersection and a broom suddenly heard then 2 cars racing suddenly appear and heading to cross the intersection, unfortunately the street was lack of space for 2 vehicles. Apparently tatay G500 was still crossing and car1 safely crossed while car2 tries to overtake car1 and all of a sudden the 3 kids felt a “big-bang” they also felt some warm liquid splat on the back of their neck, when they look behind, tatay g500 was lying down 2 meters away from the cart. They tried to get out of the cart but they can’t reach the top frame of the cart, even though Intel was that old, still, also, he can’t reach because of his amputated legs a minute after, they are still crying and asking for help, but no one is passing by that street. Some seconds ago, here comes nurse Ev910, exhausted and disappointed from the duty and from the result of their 3 years relationship of his GF, now he saw tatay G500 lying down, some drops of blood are scattered on the dry, warm sand of the street. He passed tatay G500 and with asking if tatay is ok and if he needs medical attention. He passed tatay snobly, because he would just want to go home and rest and also he would like to talk to his EX-GF to clear it out.
In this story, even though tatay G500 is not admitted in the hospital, still, he needs medical attention to avoid further damage and for him to be brought to the nearest hospital or clinic. Nurse Ev910 should apply some first aid, but she never he violated the rules of providing care. And also he is not covered by the guiding principle of nursing which is…….“ providing care : prevents illness”
Harold T. Barrozo
A situaion wherein a nurse violate the rights of a patient:
A nurse is on duty and upon waiting her shift, he planned to chatted some of her co nurses,and suddenly one patient is coming having a severe pain on his chest and suffering difficulty in breathing,the doctor instruct you to offer oxygen to the patient and to be confined.On his bed there were no name tag you will now give a medications to the patient.You dont know whom you will give the medications,and you neglect to ask the name of the patient and his relatives bec.they were asleep.So you put the medications and after 3 hrs.the pt.suffered seizure and then respiratory collapse immidiately and died.THIS SITUATION THE NURSE VIOLATE THE RIGHT PATIENT......
Give a situation wherein a nurse violates the rights of a patient.
In the hospital the nurse on duty went to his patient to check for vital signs. Will taking the vital sign, his patient have some questions about his medical records, but the nurse did not answer the question instead of answering the question, he said that I’m not your doctor I’m just your nurse in a high voice. The must answer the question of his patient in a right way. The nurse may say that madam I’ll tell to your doctor about this, she is that person to explain about your medical record
A nurse must respect their patients; give their best to their patient to make them satisfied. The patients have the right to know about his situation.
As a one violation of a nurse for the right of the patient is their privacy.
The situation is during the operation at the OR when a nurse or a physician take a picture or video during the operation with out the authority of the patient or the SO and the video will be upload at the internet, it may cause of unrespectable to the patient right…
As a one violation of a nurse for the right of the patient is their privacy.
The situation is during the operation at the OR when a nurse or a physician take a picture or video during the operation with out the authority of the patient or the SO and the video will be upload at the internet, it may cause of unrespectable to the patient right…
there was a patient who had a coronary heart disease and need to have a heart specialist to render a special care to the pt. and they informed the nurse on duty to call on the doctor they want because its their family friend and they bargain with their expenses, But the nurse did not grant their request and violated the right of the patient to choose what is best for them, but instead she contact other cardiologist to do the rounds. It so happens that the nurse had "utang na loob" to this doctor so she can repay the good terms to what the doctor had done to him.
Give a situation wherein a nurse violates the rights of a patient.
Base on my experience while on duty the patient complain what she feel she was about to cough but she control it, because every time she let it of the phlegm the force were on the abdomen were the operation done. It was CS and BTL, how many times the patients complain but they ignore it. The staff on duty told the patient that wait for the doctor before they do everything but the truth is the chart of that patient was missing. They search for it and when they found it was already 2pm and they didn’t administered the medicine for 12pm, this situation violates the rights of the patient to be considerate and respectful,
Give a situation wherein a nurse may violates the rights of patient.
Nowadays, some nurses practices favoritism among their patients. For example in a situation... A nurse was assigned to assist two patients. One was Mrs. X who was a doctor and one was Mrs. Y who was undergraduate. Upon providing care this nurse was more focused on Mrs. X because she was afraid that Mrs. X will say negative comments about her. And she always make sure that all the needs of Mrs. X were well provided. And all procedures she applies were explained to Mrs. X. Unlike Mrs. Y the nurse just get her v /s, administer her meds and thats it without asking what more she needs and explaining all the procedures to her.
Patients have rights and a nurse need to be aware of what they are. A nurse job is to take good care of their patients. They will assist their patients in their everyday basic needs at whatever level is needed. In addition nurse many times have to make informative decisions for the patients, which they are caring for. With this being said, it is important for all Nurses, to be aware of the rights of all patients. All Nurses need to become familiar with these rights and respect them at all times.
A Nurse must remember that there is no favoritism in providing care. All patients have their own personalities, needs, and desires. These must be met as much as possible in the medical facility. This will result in a happier, more content patient. Over a period of time with a particular patient, you will know how to best care for them.
activity #2
give a situation wherein a nurse violates the rights of a patient.
_the situation:The nurse is going to give a midicine to a 60 old man patient"slow hearing".The should enter and just give medicine with knowing that the patient is ok or say good morning.then after giving she leave the patient in silent motion.
_This situation the nurse violates one of the patient bill of rights to give good moral,security,support and care.
Give a situation wherein a nurse may violate the rights of a patient.
In a situation wherein a patient ha s undergone a circumcision at the age of 35. And after the procedure the patient has suffered infection and need to be treated. At break time the nurse shares her patient's case on her co-nurses and laugh on it.
Patients deserve confidentiality and dignity at all times, and a Nurse has this obligation to their patients. Any information personal information, which you are aware of, should be restricted to medical staff that must have this information in order to best treat or advise.
Give a situation where in a nurse violates the right of a pt.
a nurse on duty administer a drug to a pt.a
Mark rey dela cruz
The patient has the right to considerate and respectful care.
“Being a nurse is not too easy, you have to sacrifice, and you have to be kind,
To be serious for short you have to put your best foot forward”……
One day in the emergency room in a hospital there was a poor
Patient whose name Pedro where in he
Is suffering from third degree burn, then a nurse whose
Name is frank refuse to give first aid, the patient is crying while the
Nurse is standing and has nothing to do at all because the patient has no money…
Being a nurse we must be considerate even though our patient has a financial problem. We must be a good health care provider; we must cure and admit all patients who need health care…..
Give a situation where in a nurse violates the right of a patient.
a nurse on duty miss.hangin,administer a 25mg/ml zantac(TIV)to a patient miss baguio
at nine PM in the evening,suddenly the pt. awake then she asked miss hangin if what ius the name of the drug and what is the effect of the drug to her body....the nurse tells about the name of the drug,but the nurse refused to tell the effect of the drug to the pt's body,it is because the nurse on duty miss hangin forgot about the drug effect to a patients body.(memory gap)
Michael daquioag
Bsn 2c
There are some medical personnel who violated the rights of the patient just like the case of an adult patient a 52 years old woman. The patient is hypertensive and hyperthermic,she was confined in the hospital of Laguna which happened last October 2007.
The situation started when the night shift nurse going to assess and document the vital signs of the patient. The nurse should be focus on the blood pressure and body temperature of the patient. The nurse documented the patient chart having 180/110mmHg in her BP and 39’C BT, she gave medication to the patient which is Calcibloc for hypertension and Paracetamol for fever. Having her medications the patient asked a favor to the nurse, if she could double the dose of the medicine for her to heal fast. The nurse granted the favor of the patient.
After an hour the patient was chilling and has difficulty in breathing and pale looking due to over dose because of the violation or malpractice of the nurse. The family of the patient filed criminal charges against the nurse. The medical team also provides a disciplinary action for a violation of the Medical code of ethics.
Patient’s right should be respect and do it in a right manner. Health of an individual is serious matter don’t just make it easy.
Michael daquioag
Bsn 2c
There are some medical personnel who violated the rights of the patient just like the case of an adult patient a 52 years old woman. The patient is hypertensive and hyperthermic,she was confined in the hospital of Laguna which happened last October 2007.
The situation started when the night shift nurse going to assess and document the vital signs of the patient. The nurse should be focus on the blood pressure and body temperature of the patient. The nurse documented the patient chart having 180/110mmHg in her BP and 39’C BT, she gave medication to the patient which is Calcibloc for hypertension and Paracetamol for fever. Having her medications the patient asked a favor to the nurse, if she could double the dose of the medicine for her to heal fast. The nurse granted the favor of the patient.
After an hour the patient was chilling and has difficulty in breathing and pale looking due to over dose because of the violation or malpractice of the nurse. The family of the patient filed criminal charges against the nurse. The medical team also provides a disciplinary action for a violation of the Medical code of ethics.
Patient’s right should be respect and do it in a right manner. Health of an individual is serious matter don’t just make it easy.
Give a situation wherein a nurse violates the rights of a patient.
The nurse on dutyis taking care of a patientwith syphilis and he/she hates
when he/she is reindering perineal care to his/her patient and when the break time comes or during the duty, the nurse on duty finds to disclose what he/she experience on the patient with syphilis to his/her collegues especially in his /her caring in the perineal part of the patient.
In my simple situuation, the nurse on duty violates the right of privacy of his/her patient.
Give a situation wherein a nurse violates the rights of a patient.
-one day in one hospital they have a patient have an case of AIDS in that manner the nurse or tha doctor have no right to converse tha patient's case because that case is not for controversial and respect tha patient confedentiality or decision. Because if you controverse the patient case they are many people who hated that person or "pinandidirian" in that simple violates of nurse the patient had loss the 50% of his?her life. So we nurse we follow the patient bill of rights because in that way we can help the patient in his/her case.
Give a situation wherein a nurse violates the rights of a patient.
The nurse on duty is taking care of a patient with a syphilis and he/she hates when he/ssshe is reindering perineal care. And when the break time comes or during the duty, the nurse on duty find to disclose what he/she experience on the patient with syphilis to his/her other collegues especially in his/her caring in the perineal part of the patient.
In this simple situation the nurse on duty violates the rights of privacy of his/her patient.
Patient P went to the hospital to consult her uneasy feelings about her body.She has a very painful urination and with a vaginal discharge.The doctor ordered her to undergo laboratory examination.It found out that there is a gonorrhea present on her laboratory result.Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease acquired in direct contact with a person having this.Patient P pleaded to the doctors,medical technologists,and nurses to keep her record confidential for she did not want that her reputation as a good and well-known actress be destroyed.They promised so but Nurse A,after her duty in the hospital,did gossiped it to all her friends.As we all know,the news have wings and the soil have ears.That is what happened until it was heared by a reporter and was published on magazines.
In this situation,the nurse violated the right of the patient about confidentiality of his health information and also not respected her decision.
situations wherein a nurse violates the rights of a patient
Example of a situations that may violates the patients rights,breach nof confidentiality.For example there is mr. XXX that calling in the hospital and he pretend as a reporter and then he is asking to the nurse on duty about the information from a patient but there is an order to the patient that he was not able to said to anyabody dealing about his condition.But he told it knowing that it should not be known by other people.And it should not be done without the consent of a patient.So what happen is, the confidentiality of a patient had break it already.
Posted by pejay leano at 5:03 AM
Situations wherein a nurse violates the rights of a patient
One day mr. BB is confined to a hospital because he must need a blood transfution but mr. BB refuse for the operation done which is blood transfution.bec. he belong to a religious sect which is saski ni jehova,all knowing that in their sect they are against blood transfusion but the doctor still insisted to mr.BB despite that the patient dislikes it.So the right of mr. BB has already violated and unrespected in dealing in his
Posted by charles at 5:41 AM
Give a situation wherein a nurse violates the rights of a patient.
A nurse used his cell phone to photograph a classmate on a hospital patient-care floor. In the photograph background was a patient being attended by a group of medical interns and other hospital staff.
The patient's Dr. insisted the nurse delete the photo from his cell phone on the grounds that photographing a patient is a violation of patient confidentiality. The nurse immediately deleted the photo.
However, the nurse was failed to meet the hospital protocol, as a result the nurse was suspended for duty for 3 days, he was ordered to write an apology letter to the Dr. and review his course materials on patient's privacy rights
The Dr. was right to insist that the photo be deleted from the nurse cell phone. It does not matter if the patient is the subject in the foreground or part of the background or if the photo was taken with no intent to disobey on the patient's rights. Photographing a hospital patient without the patient's consent is a violation of the patient's right to medical confidentiality.
when a nurse didn't ask for the patient beliefs, culture and tradition wherein pt. could possibly bring in danger. for instance the dr. required their pt. to go on the blood transfusion and the didn't ask something about the religion and the practices of their pt. and the nurse also didn't explaine about what is going to happen and accidentaly happen his/her pt. did not practice blood transfusion and their beliefs upon that things is forbid... as simple as that....
the group of SN having their duty on hospital, their CI assigned them to get vital signs to their patient. after a few minutes the SN saw the patient having a high temperature, but the SN didn't report to the staff nurse. then the patient got convulsion. that's it......
As a being nurse student, we must have to know the rights of patient..
Just for an instance,,,...
The patient has the right to be educate.A nurse on duty give a medicine to the patient{Mr.Palos},,ms.nurse just put the medicine beside Mr.Palos without the acknowledge of him or some s.o.when Mr. Palos take the medicine without knowingly the procedure or side effect of that meds.after taken the meds.He complain because he have an allergy on that meds..Ms.nurse violate the right of the patient to be educated.
one of the patient right that a nurse violation is their right to refuse even though the nurse war aware of their patient right still they were not informing their right but, its our responsible to inform them that their right, so that in case they wanted to do to them they'll know that its their right.
the right of the patient is to know and read of their chart, sometimer we violate that because the confidentiality of the patient even when the patient have an diagnosis that their SO the only one to know not the patient because of his/her diagnosis.
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