Sunday, May 31, 2009

2nd LFD..2nd rotation MAle ward..QPH


Rogelio "rhodge" Trinidad Jr said...

General Objectives:
- to be able to apply our knowledge and skills that we learn in our school in order to alleviate the suffering of our patient
- to develop camaraderie among my patient which I handle
Specific Objectives:
- to be more effective student nurse by giving them intervention on what they feel
- to be more oriented and have confidence in all things.

Self: I always make my self happy and trying to have a self confidence
G.M: They are always guide me and very supportive by helping me in taking the v/s, bed bath and etc. I appreciated my partner ms. Responso as being good and understanding, loving and lastly very silent…
C.I: you know ma’am as go on our duty we learned as much you think ma’am…thanks for those things you have been imparted, for being good and observant CI. I appreciated all your jokes and happiness you’ve been shared to our group.
- Now I know what my weaknesses are
- I enhanced my self to carried out Dr. Order
- How to have self confidence
- I learned more in administering IM meds.

Rogelio "rhodge" Trinidad Jr said...
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gretchen responso said...

LFD-Learning Feedback Diary

a. General Objective: To gain knowledge and more information about the nursing practice or skills in the hospital.
b.Specific Objective: To be more familiar on drug administration, taking vital signs, carrying doctors orders and other things that we should know in order for us to be more effective student nurse into the patient.

a. Self: I gain confidence but still I felt nervous every time I came to our C.I. to check my chart before endorsement.
b. Groupmates: They were kind, helpful, responsible because they taking care of their patients, and also happy to be with.
c. C.I.: She was kind, happy to be with because she always have joke, she's also friendly, responsible and approachable. But sometimes she is a little bit strict.

I learn how to clean a wound, and how to apply an elastic bandage on the wound, I and Mr. Rogelio changed the dressing of the left lower leg of our patient because it has a foul odor, soak with blood and with flies flying around the wound of the patient and it was also ordered by the physician.