Tuesday, January 8, 2008

3rd Rotation LFD - NCM 105 RLE

3rd rotation..

pinaka kuripot sa lahat!!!

ang cute ni KIM!!!

Camera shy daw sila!!!(un sbi nla)


Pau said...

Von Paulus Villarico
Learning Feedback Diary
Quirino Provincial Hospital

To be able to increase our knowledge with the procedures and routines done within the hospital, as well as incorporate new concepts learned from the classroom such as working as a team in the actual duty.
1. To identify learning opportunities and to be able to increase knowledge as well and skills especially working as a health care team provider.
2. To be able to appreciate the things that are done when working as a team within the pediatric ward and be able to apply as a future nurse

A. Self: For the 2 weeks of duty in the pediatric ward, I was able to apply new concept learned in school especially working as a team in the ward. Although at times it is a little annoying, as a head nurse or supervisor, all the demerits of your groupmates will be affecting me, I find it that as a future nurse we have to work as a team and help each other to ease the work to be done and render an effective nursing care to our clients.
B. Group mates: When it comes to my groupmates, working as a team seems to be next to impossible, but as time goes by and they are getting used to it, we seemed to be adjusted to working as one. For the past years, during our duties, we are used to work individually. But as the end of the rotation comes, somehow, somewhat we they have adjusted to this, working as a team.
C. Clinical Instructor: Although our C.I. always have a keen eye on us when it comes to demerits, she sees to it that before the end of the rotation, we will be able to carry with us the pride and honor that we have learned a lot of things from her that we can carry on as a future professional nurse.

Our duty in the pediatric ward was very short. We only had 2 weeks of duties having a total of 48 hours. But despite the fact that this was a short rotation, it was very toxic for me. Even though, we only had a very short time of duty, I am very proud and grateful to our C.I., for during this time I was able to learn a lot of things. Not only taking care of pediatric patient, but especially letting us work as a team. Working as a team at first is quite a big adjustment for me, for I have been used to work alone and when a mistake is done, there is nobody to scorn but me. But during our rotation, I was able to adjust and learn that as a future nurse, there are a lot of things needed to be a good and efficient nurse. Knowing the procedures and what to do is not the only thing to be considered, but as a health care provider, a nurse should also learn to work hand in hand together in order to render an excellent care for our clients.

albert v. said...

Name: Albert P. Viloria
Date of Activity: January 07-09, 2008
Group: IV, night shift

a. General Objective
To gain more knowledge and ideas on how to render caring to the patients.

b. Specific Objective
To be exposed in the different setting of hospital, to practice more on how to rendered tender caring to the patient, and also how to become a good nurse someday.

This is our last week of our 3rd rotation under ma’am Nhelia Perez (clinical instructor). Based on my experienced I’ve observed how to become a good nurse someday. Since during my first time to duty at Quirino Provincial Hospital (QPH) I observed the attitude of the staff. Because some of the staff of this institution is answering the patient unethical like scold them in a way of answering them, although we know that this hospital is a Public Hospital but we hope even it is a Public Hospital theirs a patient who need our patient to rendered care to them. For having a student nurse to this institution is very good thing. Also I experienced to become a supervisor nurse “wow” it a nice position in function nurse. I observed to this position the quotes “all for one, one for all” because if their error in charting automatically all the members of cluster will have a demerit.

a. To my self:
Since I’m a 4th year student I want to practice more the way of assessment on how to get exactly the problems or the nursing diagnosis of the patient. Yes, I’m a 4th year student but still my knowledge is not enough to formulate nursing diagnosis. So I promise to my self I’ve observed and observed and apply it.
This two (2) weeks of duty under the supervision of ma’am Nhelia I found out theirs slightly improvement on my skills specially how to formulate nursing diagnosis.

b. To my Groupmates:
I’m happy with this group. Because they know what is the good for theirs groupmates. But they are very noisy and super “kulit”, but some of my groupmate is still quit.

c. To my Clinical Instructor:
She willing to gave her knowledge to her student. She’s a very intelligent person and I like the way she guide and teach us in the field. Because she explains well the instruction and it is easily absorb.

Based on my observation I’ve learned how to be patience to the patient like approach them in a right way. Because some of the patients did not understand exactly the instruction given to them.
As a supervisor nurse, I’ve learned what the importance of cooperation is because in one cluster the all members will act as a one team as I’ve said in my observation “all for one, one for all”. Ofcorse during this duty I’ve learned how to be careful anything what we can do. On a second day of duty I assigned as a little clinical instruction during this time you need to become an observer.
With the supervision of our clinical instructor ma’am Nhelia Perez I’ve learned a lot in administering medication specially the SOP of giving medication, also I learned how to interpret the order of Doctors such as IVF infusion, and exact & correct labeling of medication in syringes or labeling bottle or cup. In making SOPIE I gain more knowledge in analyzing the problem of the patient.
I’ve learned also with my groupmates such as the meaning of deep abbreviation and some stock dose of meds.

albert v. said...
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albert v. said...
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albert v. said...
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albert v. said...
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leonilyn said...

-to be able to enhance my knowledge in the different field of nursing.and to establish a good nursing interaction to all of my be familiarize on the different things that need to do whenever on duty.
-to be able to give care to all of patient who have an illness without considering their status in life and to help them restore their health. And of course to be able to apply all the learnings that I had gained.
I had gained so much learning that i bear in mind and heart. Nursing is not easy because we're dealing with life. !st day vof my duty,my C.i scolded me and its because I had done wrong and i accept it.Through those things,I was able to learn that in doing things their must be a presence of mind.I know that i would thank her sopmeday for scolding me because without her guidance I wont be able to enhance my knowledge and skills.Pedia is really hard because most of the patients are baby and i pity them whenever they dont feel better because of their illness.I also had gained confidence as days goes by.I become flexible and careful to the things that I had to do not just because of my fear that my C.I will scold me but to become more effective nursing student.there are many things that makes me stronger,my family,the people who wants to restore their life and my calling from God for me to help people.2nd day of rotation this week I am assigned as a head nurse, Ill try my best not to commit an error and to please my C.I so that I can show her that I am learning and improving.3rd day,our last day it was very happy night because we had so much fun and our C.i give us a surprise quiz.I learned that if you enrolled in nursing you must be ready all the time.ready to be scolded whenever you done wrong, ready to accept advises and what your C.I wants you to improve.
MYSELF- i established my confidence to myself through the things that my clinical instructor taught me, I had try to mingle people with different attitude and maintain my flexibility at all times though there are times that i am irritable. i am the type of person that what i want to do is the things i would do but i know that i wouldnt learn if I will not improve and change for the better.I am thankful that i met her. My C.I that molded me through her words. I know I could surpass someday to all of my problems through my pursuance and God's guidance.

_They are easy to deal with and everybody is ready to learn. Though there are some who are that really good in skills like me,they are doing their best to do their task well.i can see that theey are pursuing in their studying.

Clinical Instructor:
-She is very approachable and do not hesitate to share her knowledge. we can count on her anytime we need her help. Sjhe's very strict specially when were giving medication and always reminding us that were dealing with life so we must be very careful. She's intelligent and had a sense of humor that make us laugh.A God fearing person and molding us everyday.May God bless you po and thank you very much.

aiLeEnCvALenZUeLa said...

Learning Feedback diary
Quirino Provincial Hospital

To be able to develop our skills, knowledge and attitude.

To be able to be familiarize with the routines in the hospital and improve our leadership and management skill.

on the three consecutive days of our duty i observed that there are many admission in pedia ward with different complains. we were very busy taking care of our patients and even all the staff nurses have many patients. we do our daily routines, we take vital signs , render pm care, do some basic procedures, give health teachings and render tsb if needed.

Insights and impression:
a. to myself
at the end of our rotation in pedia ward , i can now say that i become more confident and efficient dealing with pedia client and ai can also say that i can competently do the job and duty on my own without the supervision of my clinical instructor.

b. to my groupmates
they are all fun to be with and easy to work with. they are also responsible in thier task and duties.

c. to my clinical instructor
she says that " she become more intelligent whenever she drinks her coffee".... oha!!!

Thanks for all the knowledge and skills that you shared to us.

on our duty i learned to work with a group, i learned to handle my members and i also learned and experienced on how to supervise my groupmates during our functional duty.

SORIANOhenry said...

Henry M Soriano
Learning Feedback Diary
Quirino Provincial Hospital

To be able to know in familiarized with different routines and standards procedure in the hospital especially in a pediatric patient.

To enhance our knowledge in giving quality health care services in a pediatric patient.

I observed for our last duty under Ma'am nhelz, me and my groupmates enjoying their our last duty maybe because Ma'am Nhelz, someone of them was giving a merits regarding our duty for those students paying their demerits last year and regarding our patients we observe that most of them did not acquire proper medication because of thier financial problem.

MYSELF: For our last night duty under Ma'am Nhel'z i'm enjoying and i'm very lucky because she shared a lot of knowledge regarding proper health care to our respective pateint.

They are cooperating in rendering quality health care to our respectives patients especially in a toxic one.

To my Clinical Instructor:
Ma'am Nhel'z is a good teacher, a true leader shes always think for the improvements of her students;especially to the speedy students.

LEARNINGS: For our 2 weeks exposure to the pediatric ward under her supervision,Ma'am nhel'z ,i've learned a lot of things in this pasrticular duty like rendering proper health care services, how to communicate effectively to the patients or to their SO.and the proper way of giving medication because maam Nhel"z assigning as one or as a teamwork in a one cluster, supervisor,headnurse, medication nurse,procedure nurse..........

rowena said...

Rowena D. Gallego
Nhelia B. Perez

I. OBJECTIVE: to develop more our knowledge and skills abt. nursing care
SPECIFIC: to render to other people without asking any return

II. OBSERVATION SELF: I there fore observed that in every procedure, I should know what in doing in order to avoid malpractice and to be an effective future nurse.
GROUPMATES: we are all 13 in the group excluding our C.I. my co group mates are well cooperative. We performed teamwork of the group but helping one another especially in toxic times. We also shared our knowledge that we know.
C.I. our c.i is ma’am NHELIA B. PEREZ. She is very responsible. She guided us every procedure that we should do. she is very strict especially in giving medication and charting but it is alighting order to for us to be learn. I rely appreciate and admire u a late ma’am. Nothing compares u.

III. Leanings: during the first to third day of our duty at PHQ,maleward, I learned something. i learned the correct order on how to carry out doctors order, how to make SOAPIE future nurse some they.

rowena said...

Rowena D. Galleso
Nhelia B. Perez

I. OBJECTIVE: to develop more our knowledge and skills abt. nursing care
SPECIFIC: to render to other people without asking any return

II. OBSERVATION SELF: I there fore observed that in every procedure, I should know what in doing in order to avoid malpractice and to be an effective future nurse.
GROUPMATES: we are all 13 in the group excluding our C.I. my co group mates are well cooperative. We performed teamwork of the group but helping one another especially in toxic times. We also shared our knowledge that we know.
C.I. our c.i is ma’am NHELIA B. PEREZ. She is very responsible. She guided us every procedure that we should do. she is very strict especially in giving medication and charting but it is alighting order to for us to be learn. I rely appreciate and admire u a late ma’am. Nothing compares u.

III. Leanings: during the first to third day of our duty at PHQ,maleward, I learned something. i learned the correct order on how to carry out doctors order, how to make SOAPIE future nurse some they.

Anonymous said...

Diana S. Chavez
Learning feedback diary

These case was important of nursing process in the care and management of the patients care.
>aware with the vital sign
>aware the risk infection of the disease
>aware the arises complication of the disease

"Do not do unto others what you do not want like do unto you"
=Works well done=
Hello group mates! Hello Philippines and hello world!!!!
In regards of my group mates I'm glad to works with them because they do their tasks well, also they are responsible in their works, and they are approachable in a way of listening what you ask and answering what you need.
Hallow! Hallow!Hallow!Ma'am Nhel'z.
How affecting your mood or day in handling a toxic group in a week?However I'm thankful that you handle with us because I've expect more experience and knowledge.That expectation also with the help of our C.I. who guide us in a very beginning of duty until the end of last day. Furthermore she's not a stressful C.I. she had a sense of humor not only works in works but also she think and do something to give relax our mind.

How a great experience to encountered in a short time with the pedia ward.I'm improving my leadership in handling a member's and patient. Also the management of time and works that's we need to finish. In a way of good processing and actions. Also I'll i do many way's in dealing with the patient situations.

rowena said...

Rowena D. Gallego
Nhelia B. Perez

I. OBJECTIVE: to develop more our knowledge and skills abt. nursing care
SPECIFIC: to render to other people without asking any return

II. OBSERVATION SELF: I there fore observed that in every procedure, I should know what in doing in order to avoid malpractice and to be an effective future nurse.
GROUPMATES: we are all 13 in the group excluding our C.I. my co group mates are well cooperative. We performed teamwork of the group but helping one another especially in toxic times. We also shared our knowledge that we know.
C.I. our c.i is ma’am NHELIA B. PEREZ. She is very responsible. She guided us every procedure that we should do. she is very strict especially in giving medication and charting but it is alighting order to for us to be learn. I rely appreciate and admire u a late ma’am. Nothing compares u.

III. Leanings: during the first to third day of our duty at PHQ,maleward, I learned something. i learned the correct order on how to carry out doctors order, how to make SOAPIE future nurse some they.

manie said...

Manilyne maceda
Learning Feedback Diary
Quirino Provincial Hospital

To be able to practice, learn and increase my knowledge and skills about the different kinds of procedures,routines in pedia ward.

A:self: for the two weeks of duty at pediatric ward i learned and improved my skills on the different kinds of nursing procedures and techniques.

B:Groupmates: Ther are really very cooperative because each and every one of us has our own job or work to do but they found out that working as a team is really great factor to us.

C:Clinical instructor: Evey words and acts that not included to our profession was a demerit, but i think this is one way to be able to make us a good and effective future nurse.

LEARNINGS: The last week of duty in pediatric ward since were only given 2 weeks of duty. i learned how to be an effective nurse, like giving the best care in patient that you learned from the basic. Here at pedia ward we are dealing with the significant others that is why we should be patient. As future nurse we should love our patient,treat them as your family so that you can give the best care you wanted to do.

judilyn said...

>To apply what i've learned from SLE
>To became more knoledge and skillful in rendering a nursing care among our patieants

a.Self > i observed that i have the initiative and "presence of mind" in doing my task.
b.groupmates > they arre all busy in preparing diffeent medicines for thier patients. They are sharing knowledge and different idias. My groupmates are comfortable to be with.
Ma'am Nhelia
c. C.I > is one of a kind.she let us do our task or responcibilities logically or in order, she is teaching us with sense of humor for us not to feel boredom.

Learning: Ive learned a lot from Ma'am Nhelia though it was my first time to be her student.She teach me on how to be initiative, do my part as a student nurse, This is my first time also to have a merits and that merits made me realized that doing ur duties or responcibilities correctly and pro[erly, you can get a reward and it is easier to have a demerits that gaining merits ,have a "presence of mind".